Monday, July 30, 2012

Baltain and the green godess

coming spring: he is called baltain and she is the green goddess
coming spring: she was as green as the trees and beautiful like a sapling
coming spring: green and ever living
winters hopeful silence: He was an aesthetically beautiful man. His contours chiselled like from marble.
coming spring: and yet his skin was like bronze and blessed be he brought the spring
coming spring: she was the splendour of all the forest and the heart of it
winters hopeful silence: Hers was the embodiment of the wilderness.  She was wild and untamed.
coming spring: one night deep in the dark under the silver half moon
coming spring: thy met in the forest
coming spring: (dream this in your head)
coming spring: her skin covered in snaking vines and flowering berries
coming spring: his she smelled and of all the earths secrets it was made
coming spring: he placed his lips upon hers
coming spring: he tasted of the seth found in the roots of the trees
winters hopeful silence: He smelled heavily of musk, soil and soft sun
coming spring: her lips where as delicate as dew drops and to him tasted of the heavy moist honeys
coming spring: holding her hand they lay in the dam grasses under the trees
coming spring: the sun shining in patches through the silken forest
coming spring: it was calm but animals played in the depths in plain sight
coming spring: deer walked the silken meadows and small cats bathed in its beautiful rivers
coming spring: otters ate fish in the silver light
coming spring: the world was at peace and all the rivers of time converged in the moment
coming spring: the stars above playing a twinkling game
coming spring: soft fluffy clouds played the sky moving gently
coming spring: she her hands did place upon his chest and softly played with his fur
coming spring: he breathed the air snuffling like the deer do each other ; her scent upon his lips a soft tast of herbs and flowers
coming spring: her lips she placed upon his chest ; her caresses as the wind ruffled dandy lion
coming spring: his lips caressed her hair and for head
coming spring: the earth about them as gentle and loving as all the world did give in love
coming spring: her eyes swelled like opals shining with the moisture of a thousand tinkle bell blue drops
coming spring: emotional and tender as all the forest is
coming spring: his eyes filled with star light did reflect the heavens as one would do the mind of a poet
coming spring: his lips as earth to seed
coming spring: did part the waves of her lips and cleave to her
coming spring: the seeds grew in all places
coming spring: her readiness as the earths giving makes her
coming spring: her fingers curling his chest hair ; she mounted him
coming spring: his rod as a pillar of salted spur
coming spring: her sex as of the flowers of the word
coming spring: but covered in the fur of the deer
coming spring: as gentle and loving as the eyes of a new born child did consume him
coming spring: his earthly fire waxed and waned
coming spring: but ever grew into her and through her
coming spring: they moved together as of one part
coming spring: the spring vine and the flowering meadow
coming spring: intimate and sexual
coming spring: the colours of all the stars in their skin reflected off ever drop of sweat
coming spring: his hands and hers grasping
coming spring: the will of the forest united under the everbis star
coming spring: as the spring formed in the sky
coming spring: eternity moved on
coming spring: dusks and dawns dusks and dawns
coming spring: ever onward the forests moved
coming spring: the trees growing and the rivers flowing in abundance with fishes and little birds
coming spring: washing in the pure waters
coming spring: united as one they continued to make love
coming spring: the united passions passing like the coiling snakes of the far away east
coming spring: they came the mountains grew green
coming spring: they came the thundering clouds let loose the rainbows and droplets in the spring
coming spring: and small deer where born
coming spring: they came and the birds grew in the nests and sung
coming spring: they came and the mountains grew full of life
coming spring: the forest calm and exited as of a full womb
coming spring: her belly full of the life the earth gave
coming spring: her sex full of the fires and hearths of gentle man
coming spring: he cums
coming spring: the rivers flow
coming spring: he cums
coming spring: the winds blow full of her fragrance
coming spring: he cums
coming spring: and their children see the light
coming spring: they rested still together
coming spring: amongst the meadows and green
coming spring: the earth shining with her life and light
coming spring: the pastures with his earthly colours and the waters that sprang from them
coming spring: amen

flowers of may: Wow beautiful
coming spring: :)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hercules and arenia

olive garden godess: Hehhe I'm here now.  And I'm thirsty. Dam nit!
Hercules: kiss
olive garden godess: :*
Hercules: this was greece
Hercules: his name was hercules
Hercules: and her name arenia
Hercules: she was lonesome at home
Hercules: the wars and all having taken her men playthings away
Hercules: she sat on a duvan a wealthy woman dressed in splendor
Hercules: a man came to her for work in the garden
Hercules: ....
olive garden godess: He worked in the sun. Sweat glistening on his skin..
Hercules: bronze tan cinamon thighs
Hercules: digging with his spade the brown earth
olive garden godess: She thought a drink might be refreshing and help cool the fire within her womb.
Hercules: she siped the drink with an unquenched thurst
Hercules: it was a fruit punch
Hercules: but the man he continued his good deeds in the garden
olive garden godess: She brought him a cool drink in a gilded gobblet
Hercules: it was laces with fine spirits
Hercules: laced
Hercules: and he drunk deep thinking (this is goodly and i am quite quite thursty)
Hercules: his cock bulging in his short skirt made of leather
Hercules: her eyes ate it up with a quick glance
olive garden godess: As she stood close to him her breast started to become Fuller and heavier. Wetness gathered between her thighs.
Hercules: and yet he went back to work a smile in his eyes
Hercules: a tall tree needed pruning for olives
Hercules: his back arched as he reached high into the tree
Hercules: with his stick
olive garden godess: His skirt rose a little as he reached, his globes of his arse peeked out at her.
Hercules: she sat in the sun next to a rock
Hercules: the staff in her hand gleaming as she worked to clean it
olive garden godess: She licks her lips in the shade.
olive garden godess: Lol
Hercules: he gathered meny a fine olive from the tree and anon other vegatables
Hercules: and verily it was almost lunch time
olive garden godess: She rose to return to the house,  knowing his eyes are upon her
Hercules: his eyes merry , testosterone pumping
Hercules: so thy went to prepare lunch and he being hardworking went to help her
Hercules: he washed the vegitables and she choped them
olive garden godess: Ahhh.
Hercules: (no fear we can reverse those later)
Hercules: her fingers where wraught with worry but beautifull still those slender as the branches of a new armond tree
Hercules: his eyes thought of the many fine trees in the gardens of this eden
olive garden godess: Her skin is still as smooth as it was her youth
olive garden godess: Nary a blemish
Hercules: and how like thy her hands where finely placed
Hercules: she turned but a simple feast in the greek way
Hercules: of salade and meats of traders way
Hercules: thy ate it together
Hercules: with wine of garden devine
Hercules: the devil of merryment in their chatter
olive garden godess: In companionable silence
Hercules: thy kissed olives between them
Hercules: chair to chair
olive garden godess: Their hands touching from time to time
Hercules: he covered her hand with his , his eyes pointed out the the bed room door
Hercules: asking permission with his eyes
olive garden godess: She smiles a secret smile and rises with his hand in her own
Hercules: he swept her up in his arms
Hercules: carrying her with ease into her chamber
Hercules: and lay her at the edge of the bed
olive garden godess: She watches him from beneath her full lashes
olive garden godess: Lust in her eyes
olive garden godess: He shuts the door to a crack
Hercules: it creaks a moan of wood an bone
Hercules: a wisper of wind in the silence
olive garden godess: And saunters back to her
Hercules: slipping his hands down her leg
Hercules: caressing off her sandles
Hercules: and places her foot to his lips
Hercules: toe by toe he bits her surender
olive garden godess: She laughs softly as he tickles her foot
olive garden godess: Her compliance evidence to her desire
Hercules: she lowers the sholder of her dress her eyes upon his member
Hercules: his lips do press every crevice from head to slender breast
Hercules: mwaah
olive garden godess: The warm air touches her rosebud nipples making them pebble.
olive garden godess: Mwah
Hercules: his toung flicks them as of a serpent tasting the musk of her milk nipples
Hercules: her hands thy touch surrender
Hercules: his cloud hard member
olive garden godess: She massages it and the insides of his thighs.
Hercules: his lips tast of her salt
Hercules: her nipples and skin the desert of every lunch

olive garden godess: Running her trim nails across him.
olive garden godess: (Ooo)
Hercules: he lifts his leather skirt his member to her lips
Hercules: her sholders to his experienced fingers
olive garden godess: She takes the length of him within her petite mouth.
Hercules: his hands firmly massage her sholders the scented oil on his hands lubricates and relaxes every mussle
olive garden godess: She works his length gently but with precision.
Hercules: her toung and lips work him
olive garden godess: Milking him for his passion
Hercules: he can bearly breath
Hercules: he takes her hair in his hands softly moving her head with gentle caresses
olive garden godess: Her curls tumble down her back as he loosens her knotted coif.
Hercules: his fingers caressing her back with oils that make it alight with warm fire
Hercules: her toung working magic
Hercules: to suck and push his heat
olive garden godess: She suckles his manhood and strokes him, her movements gaining speed with her rising passion and need.
Hercules: he lifts her up
Hercules: her dress flying over her eyes
olive garden godess: Dampness trickles down her thighs.
Hercules: she lay on the bed her thighs spread
Hercules: lis toung of her clit did tast
Hercules: its salts and flavor to his tast
olive garden godess: She runs her fingers through his hair,   holding him by the handfuls.
olive garden godess: Her hips rock and roll softly
Hercules: his hands thy caress her inner thighs
Hercules: the oils and honey on them he licks off with vervent passion
Hercules: her clit like his dipper moon
olive garden godess: She arches into him.
Hercules: her thighs caress his sholders , her arched legs his back
Hercules: she ever dampens
Hercules: her tast a plesure
Hercules: to his fingers
olive garden godess: She releases his hair, her hands and arms moving above her head
olive garden godess: Her body continues to tighten as she rocks
Hercules: he parts her thighs pulling between her thighs
Hercules: entering with confidence
Hercules: her silk filled room
Hercules: plush with bush and softness such softness
olive garden godess: She calls out as he enters her
Hercules: moving a little he caresses her breasts with his face
olive garden godess: Together they rock in time.
Hercules: her hips sway and rock her tunnle gripping and lossening upon him
olive garden godess: His full hard cock caresses her gspot within. Her senses assaulted.
Hercules: her arm around his neck
Hercules: dark sholders mending
olive garden godess: She grips him tightly
olive garden godess: Her nails scratch him
olive garden godess: Leaving furrows
Hercules: he thrusts in pulses between the pulses of her thighs
olive garden godess: His thrusts become faster as she wraps her shapely legs around his waist.
olive garden godess: She moans in deep pleasure
Hercules: my hands play with your hips
Hercules: as i rock a little side to side as i thrust
Hercules: your skin my welcome
Hercules: smoth and lovely as paradice
olive garden godess: An orgasmic scream escapes my lips as moisture pools around your cock.
Hercules: your rippleing the moment so welcome
Hercules: thy warm creamy juice on my cock
Hercules: my thrusts fevered
Hercules: thy buttox my hands pudding
olive garden godess: I arch into your body, my tongue teasing your chest and neck
Hercules: his lips hers caress
Hercules: her neck her holy tress
Hercules: my arms around you as warm to thee as a tender lover
Hercules: every caress ment for thee
Hercules: her clit it did shiver and with every quiver a shot of cum
Hercules: he did give her
olive garden godess: My lips caress your cheek and your honied lips
Hercules: in this bed he give her
Hercules: he lay together with her
olive garden godess: They lay entwined through the night.
olive garden godess: And come the morning light he gave woke her with tender caress
Hercules: kisses long and tender
Hercules: for love he did give her this night surrender
olive garden godess: :D. Fin

Friday, July 27, 2012

barn door

mistress night wind: His thoughts wander off as his imagination takes over. Showing him the things he could do to her and feel through her.
mistress night wind: ^_^
Sea Sand: *tickle*
Sea Sand: gently he be quiths her a black rose
Sea Sand: planting his fingers warmly on her breast
mistress night wind: She runs the roses petals along his cheek.
Sea Sand: his parted lips caress her sholder
Sea Sand: slowly moving over it
mistress night wind: She runs her fingers over and across his chest and shoulders. She caresses his lips with her own.
Sea Sand: his hands her waist  caress teasingly
Sea Sand: his lips hers with passion softly so
mistress night wind: Her hands travel down his torso
Sea Sand: his fingers stroke her chest
Sea Sand: a thumb caress a nipple dress
Sea Sand: unbinding it
Sea Sand: a caress
mistress night wind: She teases his ribs, her fingers playing across them.
Sea Sand: his other hand does play her hand with finger tips
mistress night wind: A gentle exploration. A memorization of his every contour.
Sea Sand: entwined like snakes the hands caress
Sea Sand: the nipple hard to point to thumbs caress
mistress night wind: Her lips, as soft as the rose he gave her. She caresses his body. Her body reacting to his touch.
mistress night wind: A dampness pools. A fire builds. A lust untamed.
Sea Sand: his nipple is in her fingers thier wetness caressing it
Sea Sand: his hand is up in her dress her thigh he doth caress
Sea Sand: her well rounded buttoc he doth press
Sea Sand: to his lip caress
mistress night wind: She opens his pants feverishly, pushing them away, freeing him to the elements.
Sea Sand: lifting her against the hay barns door
Sea Sand: her sweet cheeries in his strong arms
mistress night wind: She wraps her slender but firm legs around his trim waist.
Sea Sand: his hand doth run the lenth of her steel hard thigh
Sea Sand: shaven as of silk and snow
Sea Sand: to them bring a glow
Sea Sand: he press the rose to her lips his eyes smolder with inner fire
mistress night wind: Her hands cling to his back. Her breasts pressed to him.
mistress night wind: Her eyes flare back at him, her fire matching his in intensity
Sea Sand: his lips did she press the rose beside her
Sea Sand: upon his hips he lifts her
Sea Sand: the throbbing rod in the deep blue see
mistress night wind: She kisses him tenderly and softly.
Sea Sand: dreaming of the cinamon desert skies
Sea Sand: her buttox caress his hands the dunes
Sea Sand: her thighs his senses
Sea Sand: her wetness his ocean
Sea Sand: in which he dives
mistress night wind: He is her comfort and her strength. His love is her wind on the sea of life. She loses herself in him. Their pleasure is immeasurable and untamed.
Sea Sand: thy buck as weat spread its seed
Sea Sand: their movments a caressing wind
Sea Sand: their emotions a flood of life and thunders rawwh
mistress night wind: She looks into his eyes,her own clouded with lust and passion. Her nipples hardened and breasts heavy with wanting.
Sea Sand: his lips her roses he doth encircle his toung the thing that does the dance
Sea Sand: upon her pink lit marble
Sea Sand: a dance of softness a dance of tempers
Sea Sand: the nipple with toung romance
mistress night wind: Her body is ripe and tingles with electric energy
Sea Sand: her lips thy give release to orgastic cry
Sea Sand: a quivering tear in her eye
mistress night wind: A beauty in completion.
mistress night wind: Ooo that was intense
Sea Sand: :)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Dragon clutch

Dragon Prince: *tickle*
Dragon Prince: i lay on a big double bed
Dragon Prince: you beside me
Dragon Prince: your fingers caress my hair
Dragon Prince: we are relaxed
Dragon Prince: my arm lays over your belly stroking you through your dress
Dragoness of the silver dawn:  I laugh softly. I occasion
Dragon Prince: more ;)
Dragon Prince: creative :P babes
Dragoness of the silver dawn: Ahhh damn shaky hands. I caress your arm and chest lovingly.
Dragon Prince: your bracelet glows with a soft light the dragon curls round your wrist lovingly
Dragon Prince: my bracelet glows also
Dragon Prince: you feel a warm glow between us
Dragoness of the silver dawn: Two souls bound as one
Dragon Prince: you see misty dragons in the air little ones perch round the room crooning
Dragon Prince: my fingers caress your plush mound through your dress and it feels so comforting
Dragon Prince: you wriggle a little feeling damp moist
Dragon Prince: the caresses tickle and you can feel it inside like butter flies
Dragoness of the silver dawn: I watch half in present, half in another realm.
Dragon Prince: your astral form straddles me as i pet you
Dragon Prince: our souls are mating
Dragon Prince: you feel both worlds as one
Dragoness of the silver dawn: My body feels energized and my astral form smoothly moves over yours.
Dragon Prince: the flow between spirits ; those forms have wings
Dragon Prince: we fly i behind you a dragon aback a dragon as i enter you
Dragon Prince: my fingers intimately entwined with your sex and your fingers on mine
Dragoness of the silver dawn: Gently my body rocks as we seem to float.
Dragon Prince: my dragon claws grip your wings my lips your ruffled neck
Dragon Prince: my thrusts pulse through you
Dragon Prince: as my teeth nip your dragon back
Dragon Prince: your tail wraps mine
Dragoness of the silver dawn: My dragon coils with yours as my body does yours.
Dragon Prince: the feelings of both fires of intensity
Dragoness of the silver dawn: Brilliant light surrounds us and shimmers
Dragoness of the silver dawn: Bathing us
Dragon Prince: your dragon teeth nip my leg
Dragoness of the silver dawn: A rainbow of colours
Dragon Prince: pulsing fire fills you through and through
Dragon Prince: and through you me
Dragon Prince: pulsing like waves of cool wind
Dragon Prince: hot sexes burning welcome
Dragoness of the silver dawn: I move more quickly.
Dragon Prince: dragons call as thy couple in the naked winds
Dragon Prince: lusty
Dragon Prince: plushness pulses my dragon wings grip yours
Dragon Prince: earth and fire
Dragoness of the silver dawn: The dragons wrap around our physical bodies.
Dragon Prince: hot fire hot steamy waters gush
Dragon Prince: your flooded with a dragons glee
Dragon Prince: you feel full of pregnant eggs
Dragon Prince: your dragon clutch will be a success
Dragoness of the silver dawn: The feelings of pure ecstasy
Dragon Prince: my dragon bits your dragon you feel the teeth on you
Dragon Prince: the thrust of my fire fills your mortal coil with white light
Dragon Prince: you gush the flow of a life time your body like the Euphrates river at rising tide
Dragoness of the silver dawn: Mine bites yours completing the bond.
Dragon Prince: i fill with green lights and waters
Dragon Prince: between us flows a world both of pleasure and life
Dragon Prince: trees forests and star filled skies where gods and goddesses play
Dragon Prince: pan himself rorws with mirth and welcome
Dragoness of the silver dawn: Lightening flashes harmlessly. A soft rain lulls.
Dragon Prince: the world a pleasant garden
Dragon Prince: the play a light on souls for this is eden
Dragon Prince: the tinkle of river harps
Dragon Prince: and dew filled meadows
Dragoness of the silver dawn: A feeling of eternal contentedness falls over us.
Dragon Prince: the fingers entwine the salty specks of our play
Dragon Prince: filled with the soft glow of a golden dawn
Dragon Prince: the dragons flying together to plant their clutch
Dragoness of the silver dawn: I lay my head on your chest.
Dragon Prince: my fingers caress your hair
Dragon Prince: both our minds in the dragons granted eggs
Dragon Prince: the young dragons at play
Dragoness of the silver dawn: We are at peace. Joy in our hearts
Dragon Prince: the gods around us the angels at play the dawn
surrounded with a nights cloak
Love's light all around us

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dawn Shadows silent night

Dawn Master: i have always loved nipples
Dawn Master: to kiss since i was to small to find a woman of my own
Dawn Master: as i sayed at 7 shame that i dont have a nurse
Mistress of shadows: Nipples. Well this aught to make for an interesting conversation. Lol
Dawn Master: or i would suckle it tentivly
Dawn Master: with my toung ;)
Mistress of shadows: XD
Dawn Master: soft and firm i move about sucking gently in rythm
Dawn Master: toung flicking
Dawn Master: taking my time
Mistress of shadows: You're making my breasts ache... :$
Dawn Master: toung flicks softly
Dawn Master: my finger tip caresses
Mistress of shadows: Mm wow.
Mistress of shadows: I trace my hands over your chest... shoulders, then back, holding you close. In pure ecstasy.
Mistress of shadows: The pain and pleasure one in the same. Its driven even lesser beings into a sexual frenzy.
Mistress of shadows: Nails digging into flesh.
Mistress of shadows: Clinging to sanity.
Dawn Master: :)
Dawn Master: my lips caress yours honey droplets upon them
Mistress of shadows:  poetry in motion.
Dawn Master: my toung touching yours like a young nubile vergin
Dawn Master: a vergin but very passionate
Dawn Master: ;)
Mistress of shadows: Admittance accepted. Lustily yet firmly I suck on your tongue, tasting honey and passion.
Mistress of shadows: :P :P
Dawn Master: my fingers reach up your breast and my palm plays
Dawn Master: cupping it in fullness
Mistress of shadows: My body arches into yours, filling your palms and bringing us closer.
Dawn Master: my palm caresses your nipple
Dawn Master: my lips your neck
Dawn Master: my eyes your soul
Mistress of shadows: My teeth your shoulder.
Dawn Master: tehehe
Mistress of shadows: :D
Dawn Master: my other hand around your waist
Dawn Master: caresses your bum
Dawn Master: possesing
Mistress of shadows: Bum. Teehee.
Dawn Master: my other hand strokes your belly my toung on your nipple
Dawn Master: with a bit of force
Dawn Master: my hand reaches down caressing you
Dawn Master: your folds plush and wet against my fingers
Dawn Master: my firmness in your hands throu my jeans
Mistress of shadows: Mm well those have to go. I tug at your jeans button with one hand and stroke you through them with my other hand.
Dawn Master: your hips held fermly in my hands
Dawn Master: and stroked with my thumbs
Mistress of shadows: I unzip your jeans and reach into them to continue caressing your body.
Dawn Master: *boing*
Mistress of shadows: Giggles
Dawn Master: my hands pull up your skirt
Dawn Master: and i pull you onto me
Mistress of shadows: I push them aside in my quest
Mistress of shadows: Ok pull.
Dawn Master: ;)
Dawn Master: my hands press your breasts
Mistress of shadows: My hands cover yours as I roll my head back, exposing my neck.
Dawn Master: i pump you deep and slow
Dawn Master: my hands caress you
Mistress of shadows: My hands follow yours as I meet your thrusts. Our bodies in unison.
Dawn Master: my hands behind your back aid your hips
Mistress of shadows: My muscles squeezing your member tightly.
Dawn Master: my right hand caresses your arm pit
Mistress of shadows: Giggles cause it tickles
Dawn Master: my thrusts tease your clit your gspot flushing and welcome
Dawn Master: vibrates
Mistress of shadows: Oh my.
Dawn Master: your lips possess my fingers
Dawn Master: my lips your chest
Mistress of shadows: I rock my hips faster.
Dawn Master: your cumming hard
Dawn Master: hot waves
Mistress of shadows: Tears of ecstasy run down my face
Dawn Master: i kiss you tenderly as i cum
Mistress of shadows: I kiss back tenderly but passionate
Dawn Master: (y)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Dragoness and the fountain

a dragoness in the rain washing herself in the pool while the shadow of her breast masses my eye
i be both saint and sinner then
both thoughtfull of her and aware that she may find my eyes
and yet one could not love her more but to bed her
.... 0:-)



and she wash me with mild soaps ...
then oils both fragrant and savory
and ....

as to music and magic let us discus the godess of the moon

Carefully yet with such passion and reverence. She fondled him as she washed his body.

hahaha daaam love it
his hands move over her in fondness
oiled hands shimmering her skin

She traces his contours as if by memory

her hand upon him he caresses her arms with soapy bubbles

Her skin glows with vitality. Smooth and pure. Yet in her heart she feels incomplete .. until he touches her.

the back of his hand covered in oily soap caresses her temple

She leans into his hand, her mind on him and only him.

his heart throbbed with deep and ever present passion and love an eternal desire
eternal and infinite

her hands he held deep in his , his eyes a termolt of old passions and deep emotions
his fire burning in him a deep white flame
he caressed her hand across his nipple
his fingers like warm fire on hers
his desire deep as an ocean
as unquenched as a desert

Hers beat in unison with his as they embraced. Bodies coming together like a gathering storm.

their lips met as clouds light with thunder and birds chirped of the sky

the depths of the kiss as passionate as the life love of angels

In his kiss she felt she could taste the heavens

in her caress he felt all that was divine of hell

As she stood against his hard, soap slicked body, hers was pliant and she surrendered to his will.

he caressed her from head to toe
light as a feather
then his hands worked her inner thighs
firmer presses sliding against her skin
for her desire was his want
and his passion
softly he folded the mound of venus within his hand over her mound , cupping it with a firey passion
stroking it round sensualy
a deep passion thobbing within him

Her passion flowed through her, energizing him.

he kissed her and she him as thy played
there was patience in it and a knowledge that time could wait

Her heart soared. And she leisurely stroked him.

his fingers caressed her inner thigh his finger tips pressing her pleasure with delicate knowing

his lips he pressed to her thighs her ever willing servant
and nibbled her gently

She gazed up at him, a look of agreement and profound love on her face.

She pulls him up the meet her beautiful face and kisses him passionately. She lays them down among the green grass and positions herself beneath him. He leans above her, taking in her raven tresses as they shine among the grass. "A Goddess" he thinks.

He enters her tenderly, gently stretching her.. then he slowly rocks his hips, filling her so completely.

he holds her hips the strokes he pulls are long  and full of the feeling that every instant of it maters to him
his caresses are for her plesure as well as the feeling it creats in him
her softness an intensity
her hair in waves over her sholders
her hips like a creamy pie on his tongue
his delight of her splendid

Tomorrow has no meaning, just this moment.

his legs folded under him he pulls her hips against his
she moved intensly  against him his hands supporting her spine
the motion deep and physical
the heat deep and full of joined energies

As she reaches her climax she bucks her hips wildly. She moans and whispers his name on the wind.

as she climaxes he thrusts in time to it his hands caressing her in a pulling motion
his heart pounding
cock red with heat like a snake slithing in comfort in the grass
her gushing surounding him in waves of delight
he gasps his back covered in salty sweat

Her body feels aflame and the tongues of fire are licking her deliciously, feeding.

her fingers firmly hold him his thumb in her wetness her clit clinging to his thumb tip....
a firm nub of rich scented heaven throbbing with warm fire
his thumb rubbing it in a firey way its warmth intimate and loving

Small quakes rock her body as she breathlessly lays in his arms below the stars.

she feels a warmth coming from his hands as thy posses her
a rich feeling if infinit being
as she quivers
her flood licks his fingers in all her wetness
needing him in every way
in her hand lay his member still damp from her
as she caressed its throbbing fire

A thought flutters across her mind and gently she takes him into her mouth, sucking tightly.

he pressed his palm to her mound moving her entirely with his wrist
his index finger deep inside
her gspot finger tip reside
her flooding tide

She screams as another tidalwave overcomes her.

he fountains in her tightening lips
a blast in mountain reside
this earthly tide
as heaven wake at dawn
to the thunders ride
his cum a flood inside
her cardalile and cinamon lips
the lion rawwh a defening clamor
in their mind

They lay in the grass together, spent. Revelling in all the splendor.

the stars in heaven did splendor ride
the dawn the heavens song reside
the river beside them
a sending tide
the bird song about them
the closing tide
the mood in mind the hand in grasp
the dawn the revery of the life life gives

Temple Godess

his eyes scaned her half naked ness her temples of silver buttons with tassles and the dawn white linolen dress gause she wore
she bowed in the Arabian way and he bowed back hands pressed together
and desultorily ate a sultana eyes filled with merriment

Her almond eyes reflect the light of the many lamps surrounding her. She appears to glow with energy and life.

he came up to her , eyes wondered over eyes
lips parted in secret smiles

She asks inquisitively, "what amuses you so?"

he held a plate of honied fruit , delicately
offering to her lips a succulent honied piece of pomigranit
with his fingers he offered it to her lips with a smile

She delicately takes it from him, gently sucking the juice from his fingers.

his lips tast hers nibble by nibble ,

his eyes armands of mystery on hers

She places her hands on his chest.

as he kisses her his hand drifts behind her and tickles her back sensualy

his lips tast hers nibble by nibble ,

his eyes armands of mystery on hers

She places her hands on his chest.

as he kisses her his hand drifts behind her and tickles her back sensualy

She breaks the kiss. Wiggling against him, her laughter like wind chimes.

he runs his left hand under her chin and the fingers caress her warmly

Lovingly she looks into his eyes, a smile playing at her supple lips of deep red.

he sings "adeu adeu de du"

She hums softly. The feeling the safety of his arms around her, a welcome respite of her life.

he kneels kissing her arms her hands cuped to his breasts

She cups his face, caressing his cheek. Her longing growing with each moment.

he nibbles her finger tips the nails filed in smooth curves
and clean

She closes her eyes at his gesture, her breasts becoming heavy and her nipples peaked.

his thumb circles her nipple wet from his lips
and runs across it softly
his finger tips ....

She trembles, shivering with pleasure.

his lips press gently between her breasts
and his tongue caresses her nipple tip

She cradles his head. Her fingers tangled in his hair holding him to her.

his fingers caress her belly

A moan escapes her.

his lips her nipple
his finger tips find her folds caressing deep

Her knees collapse and she kneels in front of him.
Hungrily she kisses his lips and jaw.

his lunging toung caresses hers and his finger tip works magic

She breathes heavily panting in desire. Her hands trailing a path. Pushing at his clothing.
She caresses his bare flesh, nails digging into his back.

his finger tip and thumb squeezer her nipple
his other hand strokes her hair
the garden of her delight

He lays her back against the pillows and she looks up into his beautiful face, her love shining in her eyes.

his lips running all over her and then ...
she and him become one
his hands caress her inner thighs
as he rises into her

She arches her body into his.

she feels a rainbow of textures as thy move together
soft intimacy

Together they rock, making love to the light of the universe.

he leans onto her his tongue caressing her neck
diamonds of her sweat on his toung

Stars shine in her eyes as she leans into his muscular body, kissing and licking every contour.

their tongues caress as bodies merge in heated strokes

The fires of passion heating and flaring between them. Sparks flying into the night.
Synchronized motion bringing them to their highest peaks.

delicately their fires mingle , cool throbbing heat as thy cum

They melt together. The smells of their mixed love and sweat.

kissing radient rain drops off each others lips

Rainbow sky

birds in trees calling out in a cacoghany of singings and wild jumping

the trees fill of the birds nesting near a great mountain
the sky shot with sunshine and mysty rain
rainbows arch across the sky
this is the jungle

Now that is absolutely breathtaking.


plays the bongos
the temple of ibiza in the distance
12000 bronzed slaves dance
as the soon to be queen and the revelers hat clad king move with grace along the path of shined white stone

She is calling. can you hear her? Her voice is in the wind. Her heart is the flame. Her hair is the night sky.

the dancers throw dablets of oil on them

striping of thier cloths one piece at a time
as the soon to be queen and the king move dancing girating down the road
getting steadely more and more oily
her hair scented with oils her skin gleaming
as she and the king kiss glinting with the musk of a thousand dancing birds
their hands run over eachother
the depths of their inner fire beating to the cacophony of drumming feet
his lips press vividly against her sholder and down

her lips slide across his temples her toung lashing him
his lips firmly holding her nipple and tong flicking
her hands run over his oily sholders scratching
his hand caresses her thigh
thy kiss toungs flicking together inside eachothers lips caressing with shivers steamy wet lips
hands moving as thy like


in the temple stem there is a love duvan
she lay back on it
his arm cupping her from behind
his lips pressed where ever she please
he says in a husky voice " my queen where shall i please thee ?"
his simmering eyes on hers

:p *bow*

Her eyes of pure silver light shining their radiance as she looks lovingly into his eyes.

his fingers run a pater over her belly a tatoo of fire and ice
his lips caress her every fire firmly and with a flourish.
nibbling and caressing her to the core
tong so gentle in her as soft as wild fox fur
to the murmuring of the waters around the temple palace..

She captures his face in her petite hands, ever so tenderly kissing him.

tongues meet hot and vibrant , lips caressing the devils fire
at their cores
their bones thundering alive
their hands entwined

Pouring all her love and admiration into the passion.

his hands well learned caress her belly and breasts , her passions filling his joyfull kisses

She marvels in such reverence at the way he seems to worship her. Her body his alter.

his lips cleave her thighs his tongue a fire inside her ... the top of it and his lips upon her clitoris...
her hands firmly grip his oiled musculer sholders
his lips press hers gentle tenderness and tremendous passionate love

Her nails almost digging into his skin. Was she ready? How could she not be.

his lips glow a shiney vibrant red afire and throbing warmly as thy press to hers,
her lips caress his with abandon...
their hands playing over each others parts with an unquenchable fire....

0:-) *sigh*

Their energies feeding off each other.  Feeding the flame. Lighting their way to the morning light.

sigh nice
he looks her eyes deep "eloquently romantic and lovingly spoken my queen"

She smiles softly.

his hand hold hers around his thighs their finger tips and thumbs caressing
close to one another
the heat overwhelming in its comfort
the voices breathless
the wispers intence

the wispered murmers heard in the thundering rains of passion

The perfumed air heavy with wonder and her innocence, she's lost in his eyes and this moment.
Filled with hope that the moment never ends.


Be back.. dinner time.

he takes her head in his hand and kisses her gently
yes of course

She melts into his body, yielding beneath his touch.

his hands hold her to him
thy rock gently
pulsing heat
flushing through their passion

her hot hands and body bringing hot waves of fire inside him
his fires caress her waves of heat fill her depths
she gasps clenching against him

They cling together as if each other is their only lifeline in the chaos.

their fires merging
gasps of heat waves of firey love
heat heat inside and outside
with ever closing waves
she gasps hot against him
gulping waves of hot musk
pouring forth wave after wave of tumultuous orgasm
as he cums

Her body seems far away compared to the swirling heat and desire.

and the mind flushing heaven of loving bliss

their fires merging
gasps of heat waves of firey love
heat heat inside and outside
with ever closing waves
she gasps hot against him
gulping waves of hot musk
pouring forth wave after wave of tumultuous orgasm
as he cums

Her body seems far away compared to the swirling heat and desire.

and the mind flushing heaven of loving bliss

And in that moment of beloved chaos she knows that there is no other for. A precious moment of clarity.

still filled with fire be gentle my love

She sighs softly against his feverish skin, daring not to move.

he stroks her with soft calming passion
his fire a gentle force of healing
as hers is within him

She lies in a felinesque state of satisfaction,  seemingly just watching the outside world float around theirs.

he breaths softly and *smiles*
the heavens have awakened my love
the stars flowing from them born new into the beautiful dark cosmos
suns and daughters of the heavens