Saturday, April 11, 2015


some folks talk about all that i do and say,
day after day - call it predicable..
life is reliable.

ih call her a queen - my heart calls,
oh i know that she dances in shadows - the men take from her.
what could you know about it - dancing in her craft.

speaking of my self - i never saw the beauty in her - dance.
till i found the sides of her that did - beautiful.
first i saw something, people use feelings..

where is it said that you shall know peace ..
though a lovers dance - oh how that loving shadow moves over my soul..
eye open to my soul - non shall be a prisoner.

dancing the world, working in slow motion - lovers in the dark.
shadow play - the work of puppets on strings..
love is not a dream or the reality of those who will not bleed..

expressing the eyes - dance over me sweet sweet melody.
eye closed my mind at peace for the first time in weeks,
love is a memory - maintain that dream your heart holds.

to many cry for what they want - desperate to only shelter their own fantasies..
what comes to my heart - shadows of a true love..
promise ill never hurt you - shelter your heart in my hands in that angel dark.

close your eyes love - close your eyes .. skin on skin..
talk about all our dreams - close to my heart,
you have been - cradle in my love - no memory of a time i did not care.

let that love fill your eyes - no baby it's no dream..
no baby it's no dream - when your within my arms..
talking is all our hearts ever do - make real.

let's not be ashamed - ashamed to dance..
to be lovers in the dark - place your hands on me.
lovers in the dark - let not illusions be..

pure love - that kind you would love - working upon my dreams.
shelter thee - one sweet passionate moment - is all that history ?
you are the making of me - let not our past be history.

caress your masters arms in the sweetness of your joys..
flow over what could be - truly be.
let us make a history - of love.

make a move into the dark by the fire light.
talking about what you dream - shadows playing in the dark of the shattered moon.
dancers in the dark - finger nails - deeper than blood..

still the working heart beats - stay with me.
nocturnal - the sleeper is a dreamer & we never sleep.
close the eyes and see what shall be.


Saturday, April 4, 2015

Angel Kiss

of sweetness i write in my heart to you..
dear most precious love..
hold you in my arms, in my dreams tonight..
the loving gift of your life to honour to love to hold..
no distance binds me from what i love - the dreams i treasure in my soul, for you

oh you sweet and treasured love, of a sweet and gentle love..
oh how you save me with thy gentle love to hold..
sweetness, treasure - a pure beauty i behold,
to value and love - desires for the bold

some thing of value a man puts on skin,
to your heart a treasure of love grown bold,
oh gentle being that i forever hold - value the love i never sell..
for you are all my treasure - beautiful and intelligent..
loved not sold

can value by brute gold - hold a happiness ?
a happiness you can hold - till that skin stops growing cold..
glowing in the light of my body head - never surrendered,
surrendered - pleasures of the skin - within a soul in flight,
love is never old - always bold

oh i hunt - the dark..
coldness - shallow graves for the bored,
shelter those dreams you hold - love is never cold..
whenever - quivers down the spine.
love is never old,
for love is always bold.
love the rose @-/---

Thursday, April 2, 2015


your a dancing wing ..
the sound of a morning win,
dancing upon my dragon pole,
the sole companion in my bed tonight..
your a vision that reduces my tongue to a chain of fire as i close my eyes - a kiss layed upon you

my eyes lay lazily upon your moody lips..
my hand relaxingly layed in soft tickles upon your belly..
soft and plush - lovely in a very sensual way..
my lips caress yours - i whisper lovers words in my lowered voice..
*dreaming of you <3

my eyes gaze but i cannot believe the dream i think is so real - breaking out in a sweet sweat

my finger tips - expose your hips.. my lips exploring yours..
the nerves in your belly on fire - finger tips caressing.
my eyes upon your eyes as i dip my lips into the bowl of your chest.
deeply and swiftly my lips move over you

gazing deeper into your eyes - i kiss those moist lips of yours,
running my hand gently over your spine..
your pussy lips entice my eyes, your warm core exposed to my searching tongue..
the tip caressed you deeper than you dreamed

your eyes flicker.. my caresses deep and sensual,
i move my lips all over you.. the shimmering of my heat..
your skin burns deep inside.
tongue working every clef.. fingers working faster than the dancing of the may fly.
tongue flicking

your eyes close to the flickering of my tongue,
my closed lips sliping your clit to slide over my sharp tongue..
as you explode into a firey orgasm