Friday, October 16, 2015

that unseen light

today i see your sweetness,
your elegant sexuality,
the depths of passion and pure love you can offer.
i praise what i love about you, that other do not always see your passion & adore it.. only means there is more for me to love.

for the eyes open,
to the dance of the sky,
for the heart should open at least one time .. into the eyes of a mind spoken,
spoken to love ..

to dream for the eyes opened..
to dance in time like the flower that dies,
in time some will see the beauty in the days of your life,
seed a moment that shall not be forgotten with the heart of life.

for the beauty in a life

but of course you know of your beauty for surly a thousand suitors have written of it
of your heart i know only your smile,
of your mind only your kiss..
for sure the son of Zeus laid down as lover with your mother,
for surely there is a little sparkle of the gods within your eyes..
your the beauty of Rome - the wonder of Paris - the love of a man's life

i see you smiling and i know i am glad..
there can be argument of who is sad, mad or bad..
the gods see and say much - often as such they pick among the crops,
but there is no doubt that if gentle lovers where born to kind mothers,
yours was one to be the apple in the eye of a mighty prince.

ma ovviamente si sa della vostra bellezza per burbero mille pretendenti hanno scritto di esso
del tuo cuore so che solo il tuo sorriso,
della tua mente solo il tuo bacio ..
di sicuro il figlio di Zeus ha stabilito come amante con tua madre,
perché sicuramente c'è un po 'di brillantezza degli dèi all'interno tuoi occhi ..
il vostro la bellezza di Roma - la meraviglia di Parigi - l'amore della vita di un uomo

ti vedo sorridere e so che sono contento ..
non ci può essere argomento di chi è triste, pazzo o male ..
gli dei vedono e dicono molto - spesso come tali raccolgono tra le colture,
ma non c'è dubbio che se gli amanti dolci dove nati da madri gentili,
il vostro è stato quello di essere la mela negli occhi di un principe.


Monday, October 5, 2015

lover keep

play the player, take me deep,
feel the blood weep - no shadow hold us,
time in the dance of love - the clock of history

go deep - we went viral - lovers in the dark keep - shining with a life and love,
heavens no one expected us to shine and here we do,
proud and strong in the bond be sharing - lovin in the body we be sharin..
lovers, hold me - into the heart a love deep.

into you flies my arrow - finger licked - pussy deep,
clit to lips like rose buds

rose buds

hearts full lips of lovers in evening steep.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Sixty Nine place in the heart

having just kissed you .. my eyes they haven't missed you,
a beat in the eyes - from the core of the heart,
like a bow of light shining in the into the core of smoking desires..

my lips run smoke trails down your throat & i light a path to the tip of your nipples within my lips ..
my smoking tongue.. circling the sweet nectar and dipping my tongue to the blood hotness of a nipple tender & moist.
pulsing into my mouth, tickle & that hot pulse of fire warm blood - hot desire

i caress your nipples with my hands, caressing your thighs - my hands hot, hot & intimate..
your belly arches under my lips, my chin caressing you - my lips seeking the sweetness of your skin..
i move up as i stroke you .. the nape of your neck pulsing warm and succulent to my lips..

i caress your thighs - your lips pass under my hands gentle masters caress.. i nip the nape of your neck,
fighting back the darkness with arrows of positive passion.. kisses that we touch, my hand caressing your hair..
our lips touch - you taste me ..

you taste me ..
my tongue, the dew of my lips my mouth .. hot breath & fire.
your eyes close as i kiss my way down your chest, your hand caressing the soft hair on my head..
you quiver under the soft meats of my tongue - memories lost into the fires ..

the fires of a hot eternal moment..
succulent and tasty to my lips the moist and firm core of a most desirable .. soft centred pussy..
my lips fold over your gentleness - your arms reach into the sky.. my tongue searching within..
close your eyes honey cakes.. i whisper

we form into a 69 your lips nibbling my thigh and the tip of my cock..
my fingers spread your thighs .. my tongue runs all over the center of your clit and pussy..
a deep thurst, a need most deep.. dark close warm - intimate..
you throb - your breath gasping.

your breath gasps - your lips biting with your teeth as your warmth makes me judder .. almost cuming right then..
i suck your clit between my lips .. sliding the side of my tongue over the roughened surface of your clitoris..
running my hands along your thigh - your feet..

your clitoris quivers against my rough tongue .. the flavour - the tast of me on your lips,
the caress of your thighs in my hands, your hand strokes my ass as you cum - your hand your nails ..
making this boy explode.. into fire like the phonix in the flames of birth.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

this is the - nina rap song

cutting the grass with my tongue,
i am the nigga for you .. place my lips like well moved grace ...
move over, give it a lick like it's drippin hunny..
because baby you kinda funny - makin larg money.

*this is the nina rap song

now nina is that kinda girl - works it hard .. crazy guys work themselves into a sweat..
hand over the large like a crazy gandalf in the back yard,
men be making themselves homeless on hopes an dreams,
wet to the hip - lips closed in prayer..

nina bounce..
liquid like thighs .. moving like water over a lady bird,
hot like yo hot like yo..
boys get their game on .. dancing large in the club liking the bikini on ice,
shiverin but nice..

shake it
shake it

this aint no vanilla ice but sweet like the creamed honey..
taste those spices.. testing the muscle turnin vices,
baby got ices .. every body would know her by name nina nina,
like i said no vanilla ice's

na  nah
na Nahh
shake it an we like it <3