Monday, July 25, 2016

the rose of snow

to you i write in prose,
of a beauty and her white rose..
a heart of snow and melting ice..
pure in spirit the russian rose..
deadly yes but honest to the bone,
but if i asked myself of her ?
what hence has come by her ?
simply need that must be had..
for do not all need food on their plate ?
is there a beauty to her ?
in truth yes !
is there a meaning to her thought ?
ofcourse for at home she is a single beautiful rose.

Вам я пишу в прозе,
красавицы и ее белая роза ..
сердце таяния снега и льда ..
чистые Духа России роза ..
смертельное да, но честный до костей,
но если я спрашивал себя о ней?
то, следовательно, пришел от нее?
просто нужно, что нужно было ..
для не все нуждаются в пище на их тарелке?
есть красота для нее?
по правде говоря, да!
есть ли смысл ее мысли?
конечно для дома она является одной красивой розы.

russian heart

of thou in a speaking line,
to heart of white and scented line..
a dream of russian snows in spring..
a dream of heart and promise to worth of old,
a lover true to nation old..

a heart that with a sweet love is never cold..
to blood that flow in a heart that beats like a rabbit that runs a mile..
a simple taste for all that is true..
in trusted colours of nations blue..
of you i know a lover true.


о ты в говорящей линии,
к сердцу белого и душистого линии ..
мечта российских снегов весной ..
сон сердца и обещают ценность старых,
любитель верным нации старый ..

сердце, со сладкой любви никогда не бывает холодно ..
в кровь, которая течет в сердце, которое бьется, как кролик, который проходит милю ..
простой тест для всех, что это правда ..
в надежных цветах народов синий ..
из вас я знаю, любитель правда.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

amalee sustain (song)

that she is as a sweet buttercup in the pouring sun .. to glitter in our eyes like the sounds of summer on the pounding heart

that she is *sings* all that we need,
that she is ... ouu ouuu ohhh all that we need..

in the summer she met us in the keeping of our hears to solitude,
how she studied us as we solemnly regard the thoughts that train though our heads..

a rain cloud of glowing worth to shine into eyes with hidden worth,
oh can we recall, step by step how she made us stand tall..

oh a memory in the rain.. nothing but esctacy..
to a memory on the brain;

shadows call but we rain on the horses of our mental discourse to share the pain..

she called us her butter cup - sheltered us from the worlds most broken men..

time oouuuuu ouuuu aaah told a story,

here she comes again...

Here .. SHe comes Again,

let her love bear away all the pain..

forget the refrain - her SHE COMES AgaIn..

Monday, July 4, 2016

a free-dom unteathered

when i dance i know the pleasure ..
a host of opportunity to measure..
the mind is as free as we are in leather.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

passionate love

i want to hold you in my arms ...
take you with my lips ..
down deep into the well of passionate sensual love..
deeper into my arms full of love.

a kiss to the lips; a moving dream in my arms..
a kiss of the skin to skin..
making moves to remember; to savour..
that taste of desire & passion.

my lips run down your neck; you feel me ..
my hands upon your thighs .. my kisses upon your neck..
a little at a time; one move into a sensual desire ..

feel that tenderness; the care with which my body loves her..
that one with whom i feel the hot flows of warmth,
a flush to the face with every kiss - a desire for dedication..
warmth & clean sensual skin to every touch.

i run my hands over your body; there is something there ..
a feeling to a movement of body heat.. the thundering pulse of beatu=ing hearts..
a body within thine ..slow movements .. a tickle within.

you rise onto me from the comforts of our dreams ..
from the temple of your passion, warmth and love..
i take you with me to forfill a sweet sexual but loving dream of love.

take me into your arms of love..
that my lovers milk flows with a passion..
hot in your love, passionate with sexual love