Tuesday, October 25, 2016

delightful purr

up there in light,
like a satin angel,
dressed in a dream of light,
hands in mine to delight,
a hand well made not a fright..
to angel sight.


to the profit,
love not the loss of pocket,
plug our love into your socket..
tick up tick down - my love your locket <3

love is never out of pocket,
a fine feather in the pouch..
rub that booty till there is hardly an ouch ...
not a tongue but not a grouch

love doth never slouch

nobody begs to differ ... what is love to shiver ... love is the ladies quiver


al profitto,
Non amo la perdita di tasca,
collegare il nostro amore nella vostra presa ..
Seleziona fino tick giù - il mio amore il vostro medaglione <3

l'amore non è mai fuori di tasca,
una bella piuma nel sacchetto ..
strofinare che bottino finché non vi è quasi un ahi ...
Non una lingua, ma non un brontolone ..

amare Doth mai la cava.

nessuno si permette di dissentire ... che cosa è l'amore a tremare ... l'amore è il signore faretra

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Domination & Control - the mind caressed - song - The Sandina

Domination & Control - the mind caressed - song - the Sandina

domination and control..
your mind your heart your soul,
take a walk into my eyes..

dominate - control...
feel the passions of the soul, feed the mind gain control..
darkness takes it's toll .. hitting the darkness lose control, on your knees submissive troll..

massive eyes - big assed heart - you know domina - your my control,
knock however you do - an eye lowered i lose my faith, gain mine in the chase..
now darkness tempter we replace, fire and love all dressed in lace...

oh how to the heart unfathomable in chase, lose control - feed your silence,
chaste the dark; chase the silence - place about the rock star romance - dance upon domina's wicked lance,
chaste before the wicked lace, black in bonds - dark in relieve - sheltered in love beyond belief..

Domina domini - matré master...
love to lose control,
domina domina domini

lose control.

*the end*

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Humble pie

sweet like crystals and cream
steaming hot
like baby why not

*plays guitar*

why not play your dice
dream of naughty and nice
humblekitty:thank you
eat you up like ice cream and rice

*rock on*

lick it from end to end ....
got this guy round the bend
lovers to lend
to thy ass attend

*the end*

Monday, October 17, 2016

tail of the shark - sarrie

take a while to admire the smile like a ball in the park,
bounce around to make your mark..
there just is a reason to take a breath from the ark

like a dance in the sky from the lark ...
just to dive in to the sea like the shark..
no not being sark

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

press of the breeze - Destiny

The breeze passes though your toes, lips press yours into a compress of compassion..
Your fire alight upon lips of honey dew

Into silken sheets beckons your hand ... i dance a lover upon thy hand .. moving into depths of sifting sand

Moving to your lips .. the salt of the sweat,
A kiss to erect the monument for your moments of pleasure..
Dancing as you shall in my arm's caress

Thy lips compress upon my neck, my hand strides the soft bow of thy thigh ...
My arm the strength of thy back.. thy hand cups my chin,
Thou layeth upon me thy kiss most gentle

Even ast thou speak, a whisper fills thy spine

Thy lips caress me, possessing the strength to rise to the storm ..
The whisper of winds; The movement of bodies in sand to the cusp of thy breast

Errect the lips of thy image in paradise, press thy lips to my skin - the silken glitter,
The smouldering caress .. drift into the night in my hands - cupped as gently about thee as a gentle breeze

To ease the sound of thunder,
The glide of the silken mesh into which we slide with intimate ease

To point even the tool in the hands of the intimate master

Simply to celibate the moment that passes with the flood of sun light on oil

Surrender to the movement of light; even the shadows fall to the quenching of the flower seed

To drifting thoughts, to drifting desires ..
The seeds of many flowers fly.. alight they the hands that move in darkness unto the warmth of the candle flame.

Cherish the heat; the warmth of that soft kiss in the sand; A moon to light the lips that kiss every movement of thy hand

Alight your hand upon the grass; to caress the smooth spring of a hand full of joy - the rose bud of a gentle surprise