Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Game

hit it like neo,
faster than light, just as bright,
going two fist tight,

making light of the moving bright,
Love to see her orgasm; pussy all up tight,
clenched to the wet and right..

feelings up to the right,
hit the height..
fuck harder Lucky girl come light.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Love of Shy

in my mind the command is given,
in hart in mind leaving given,
here in heart your master given ..
haiku surging hidden

-^^ -

work of mind,of sword,
of given,hard dance driven,
love without remorse? hidden


you say there is nothing special,
no as you say; nobody knows how to hate themselves more..
or how to live more in success !
remember to remain in your passion and believe



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反省せずに愛の剣心の仕事は、ですか? 非表示

- ^ ^


Tuesday, November 1, 2016


your every day my need,
every day my dreaming seed,
i ride my thoughts to your heart,
from the dream to the start,
we are lovers in an art.


ogni tuo giorno mio bisogno, 
ogni giorno il mio sognare seme, 
io giro il mio pensiero al tuo cuore, 
dal sogno all'inizio, 
ci sono gli amanti in un'arte.