Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Heavenly Master - furries

2435:49 Master Templair: my sweet furry , there is so much I have missed about you

2435:49 KySarall: and I you master

2435:49 Master Templair: *kisses paw*

2435:50 KySarall: *bats eyelids* *tail stands up*

2435:50 Master Templair: :D

2435:51 KySarall: *tail stands up even more*

2435:51 Master Templair: I do believe there is a shaded palm tree grove here

2435:51 KySarall: oh?

2435:51 Master Templair: *may we* ?

2435:51 KySarall: we may :)

2435:52 Master Templair: *lays on the grass*

2435:52 KySarall: *lays beside you*

2435:53 Master Templair: *cuts a coco nut with 2 straws*

2435:53 KySarall: *watches with curiosity*

2435:54 Master Templair: *sips a straw* .oO would you like the other straw ?

2435:54 KySarall: if I may

2435:56 Master Templair: *winks* of course you may *lowers arm in a bow*

2435:57 KySarall: why thank you master *slowly sips on the offered straw*

2435:58 Master Templair: *lowers straw and looks kylessa in the eyes and gently kisses her cheek

2435:59 KySarall: *purrs quietly*

2435:59 Master Templair: *strokes face* while sipping on a straw*

2436:00 Master Templair: *smile*

2436:01 KySarall: *smiles back*

2436:01 Master Templair: *kisses lips* .oO the coco nut tang so refreshing

2436:02 Master Templair: :p

2436:03 KySarall: *smiles shyly*

2436:03 Master Templair: (kiss me divine one)

2436:03 Master Templair: ^^

2436:04 KySarall: *leans forward and brushes your lips with mine*

2436:04 Master Templair: *holds her hand to his chest breathing slowly*

2436:05 KySarall: *snuggles closer*

2436:06 Master Templair: *sips coco nut* *Puurrr*

2436:06 KySarall: *lays head against your shoulder*

2436:07 Master Templair: *strokes hair gently and lovingly* .oO oh kysarall your so ...

2436:08 KySarall: *purrs and smiles*

2436:11 Master Templair: *closes eyes* .oO :)

2436:12 KySarall: *tail strokes your legs*

2436:13 Master Templair: *a gentle finger strokes a furry ear*

2436:13 KySarall: *pushes head up to your neck*

2436:14 Master Templair: *kisses and eye brow*

2436:15 KySarall: *whispers against your neck* oh grand master

2436:16 Master Templair: *purrs kysarall*

2436:17 KySarall: *pushes body against your side*

2436:17 Master Templair: *touches tummy tenderly*

2436:18 KySarall: *looks lovingly into eyes*

2436:19 Master Templair: *hug*

2436:20 KySarall: *hug*

2436:21 KySarall: *licks cheek*

2436:21 Master Templair: *gently kisses lips as the part* *passionately and longingly*

2436:23 KySarall: *kisses back*

2436:24 Master Templair: *sigh*

2436:24 Master Templair: :p

2436:24 KySarall: wats wrong? *purrs*

2436:24 Master Templair: .oO quite the rivers lolz

2436:25 KySarall: sorry master

2436:25 Master Templair: I mean it makes me happy

2436:29 Master Templair: .oO as I hold her all I can think is that *time does not pass*

2436:30 Master Templair: in context kysarala :p

2436:30 KySarall: yes master

2436:31 KySarall: *runs index finger around in a circle on your chest*

2436:31 Master Templair: *holding her light bodie against his he feels the world younder him* not a moment passes he does no savour

2436:32 KySarall: *purrs*

2436:33 Master Templair: *murmurs* love you

2436:33 KySarall: *licks cheek*

2436:34 Master Templair: *licks the furry tail caressing his lips* *strawberry*

2436:35 KySarall: oooo *purrs into your ear*

2436:36 Master Templair: *firmly the knights hand caresses*

2436:37 KySarall: mmmm

2436:37 Master Templair: *eyes lit with fire look into hers*

2436:37 KySarall: *leans head closer to your face*

2436:38 Master Templair: *kiss*

2436:39 KySarall: *kiss* *kiss*

2436:40 Master Templair: *closes eyes* *hart pounding in his chest* her breath on his nose

2436:41 KySarall: *kisses you, but stays kissin for a while*

2436:42 Master Templair: *holding the kiss* *arm about her he caresses her back *kysaral* is .oO beautiful

2436:44 KySarall: aww *eyes glisten*

2436:46 Master Templair: .oO I await your every word kysarala

2436:46 KySarall: I luv you master

2436:47 Master Templair: *trembling* his hands hold hers to him*

2436:47 KySarall: *kisses cheek*

2436:48 Master Templair: *his eyes as round as moons in the sky*

2436:49 Master Templair: *his skin glistens* the heart warm and steady*

2436:50 Master Templair: .oO I can never be a true master when the one I hold is like you

2436:50 KySarall: *licks cheek* I luv you master *strokes chest*

2436:51 KySarall: *looks down embarrassed*

2436:52 Master Templair: *arising the serpent* the mind ablaze with passion *the void inside full of hot desire*

2436:53 KySarall: *twists my legs around one of yours*

2436:53 Master Templair: *gently he strokes her* *the caresses like the fire of a coal fire*

2436:54 KySarall: *looks longingly into your eyes*

2436:55 Master Templair: *sips the coco nut* and then *kisses her lips his mouth full of the juice

2436:55 KySarall: mmm it tastes nice like your lips

2436:57 Master Templair: .oO your eyes thy are deep inside me

2436:57 KySarall: as yours are inside me

2436:58 Master Templair: *moves leg gently* touching her shoulder blades with firm hands* massaging them where she touches him

2436:59 KySarall: *closes eyes and smiles*

2437:00 Master Templair: *strokes a closes lid with his lips* *purring warmly as he does*

2437:01 KySarall: *purrs* pushes body as close as it will go*

2437:02 Master Templair: *sigh* .oO I feel my breath simmer , my heart quivering in my chest , the longing inside like a dyeing star

2437:04 KySarall: *can hear your heart thumpin against your chest* *opens eyes and is transfixed with your eyes*

2437:06 Master Templair: *closes his lips to hers* his mouth passion and no dought *sincere*

2437:07 KySarall: *my heart quickens*

2437:08 Master Templair: *a finger gently scratches upon her furry neck as lips caress as chest moves to her harts breath*

2437:09 KySarall: *her breathing becomes ragged*

2437:10 Master Templair: *the grand master* *closes his eyes* *holding her to him as one with him*

2437:12 KySarall: *snuggles up 2 you*

2437:13 Master Templair: .oO you are breath taking , a fire in my soul

2437:13 KySarall: as are you my dear

2437:16 Master Templair: *sleep well* :°

2437:16 KySarall: you two xx

2437:17 Master Templair: .oO the warmth of your fire is kindling the fire in my bowls

2437:17 KySarall: lol, goodnight gorgeous

*that night thy sleep deep in the love*

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