Sunday, July 13, 2014

song of the star

in the beginning we lay beneath the stars a candle box before us
your hand in mine as i fed you strawberries
my hand cupping your face your heart to my lips

your heart the warmth and sweetness i desired , that i wanted and needed in my life

you roll your arms about me your lips tattooing my neck with red cherry pie
a little star in the sky falls

we float heaven ward

rising through the sparkling darkness , one hand at a time

your head laid upon my chest your fingers encapsulate my heart
my arm a bounty arround your hips

the force of the skies the solar energy of the sun warms us - the stars deeply twinkle

your body flows into mine as a waterfall into a sponge
your arms surround me a placenta of warmth and nutrition

a heart beating within mine

a bee to the flowers of my garden
the birds begin to sing angels to heavens quire

clouds form arms and temples lips , your lips touch mine in the heavens
the sky full of droplets of your tearful emotions

the wind blowing my dandy lion lips through the lips of the misty sky - your soul awakened by each droplet of heavens tears
heavenly tears , bringers of joy , the cusp of a curling emotional sky light

the cloud of the soul, a mind set on the facets of reality spun as a web of glittering light

to turn your thought to yarn ,
welded within the city of your heart ,
time a moment of reflection but an echo of the present that one truly never sees

yet by the moments recounting a breeze of the passing lips ,
sky born to a kiss of star light and the emotional presence of life through the floating mist of gentle dandy lion seed,

a kiss yet born into the fires of the morning ,
gently a man caresses her breast, his lips of surpassing passion and living fire

a gentle caress as the waving of a hand over the jewelled web of a spider come morning light

coming yet the winter to her end , the warming tendrils of her thorny snows coming to make light rainbow net in the pressing air of the evening sun

the star both dazzling and full of that kindness that let the kingdoms of the earth find presence in the world's otherwise grey earth

the death that follows life like a dog , running ever after the expanding seed from the lips of a goddess ,
come to light to meet the seeker of the earth baltain presenting those seeds a place to plant deep.

That their palms press the seed to form the gifting of life their lips to the pressing of joys and hips that rock the seas into the path of on coming joys..

life's sacred bliss the passion of passing moments or years,
of joy and passing ergs of the willows and the bees that presently fill thee with joy to every kiss and sultry passion

angel of love

angel from above
of your heart i know
of your feeling you show
of mine you have flayed
where in my heart your dream stayed
in my bed you laid
to my head you stayed
for in my heart you played
read my mind you paid

rosey rose

red as a rose
of these lines i compose
of thy rosy tush a pose

to the mind it exaggerates
you can see the workings i compose - magistrates

masters my will
standing here - i am still

the one for the rose
the feelings i chose


Saturday, July 12, 2014

the romancing of dreams

your dreaming but that is a cause not a means , ah but to dream the sweet dreams the espers keep in the planes of love the seekers of the mental fire

a hope within a moment the flame the passion of life exchanged in the embrace of changing
the throws of a keepers heart within the matrix of light

Thursday, July 3, 2014



considering the governance of emotions
felling that you can express anything
to put it mildly you had best be clean or dirty as hell

to express you devotion to the cause of expression
to be the one who deeply learned their lesson

your on a mission to the fold of your inner space
you leave a line in the dark a trace

represent your feeling and be true to the ideals you confess
of yourself ask nothing less

expressions of devotion
expressions of devotion

devoid as you may become
the feeling that you do, cannot be undone

learn your lessons of that i will state
where you to be the wrong one to late

in your arms she held your fate
in her mind the others wait

she still holds your heart
be the one that did not part

for this love take an art
a feeling growing from the start