Wednesday, January 27, 2016

a little gift of love

there was a little something in my hands as i came though the door,
you know somethin .. somethin was new in these eyes of mine..
oh people would talk day and night..

people would talk of that heavy musk on your lips..
they know this winter was a season so cold,
we heald back that misery on a carpet so thick because it held ..
dreams for me and you.

late into the night we drink of that sensual warmth by the light of loving dreams..
baby i need you - hold me, hold me down on that carpet as the nights go cold,
hold my heart so heavy on the whisper of hidden dreams ..

slip yourself deep inside the shield we wield to hold off a world shadowed by vague memories..
pose in my light inside the rainbow of the shelter of storms,
know an embrace among the sands of time to remember..

slip inside that warm place, place your lips, your lips upon me..
show that which into the heart cannot be denied - an arrow of amorous fortune..
can i hide as i close my eyes, you hold the world of the heart in your arms.

a warmth of gentleness, the place in your heart you have for me..
something exciting in your eyes as we slip into bed at night.
to see, to feel, to love - i adore the essence of you.
the love inside.

i wont torment you with complexity - i love that simple beauty you hold to me & my heart..
i desire you, i feel a close space in your heart is just for me..
love is the answer to so many needs - i need you.

i take you in my arms as i lift you onto the carpet by the fire.. i love fire,
i love the time we spend holding hands by it.
i love to entrance you with my lips my love my fire..
the glitter of your eyes cast low brings warmth to my soul.

i slide my hand as ever up your side, pulling you to me for the kiss..
time is an illusion in those moments, what we do together is the warmth of the universe..
the essence of light, talent and art.
i kiss you deeply tasting of your tongue, your lips.

my lips caress your spine .. i run them down your neck.. the soft tickles drive me wild..
your chest heaves in a sigh; your mind simmers to a boil,
enjoy this lover and i may make you mine i whisper..
your hips i hold close to my warm hands,

cupping your chest in my hands as of soft cloth.. thy silken shoal,
i kiss your elbow running my hand gently down your spine .. over your ass to the gentlest of touch's..
you are hot my love have you a cold ? i say grinning,
cupping your ass,

pulling you onto my lap.. my erection rubs up your ass, i move my hips & you yours .. ah the moment.. of spice.
running my hand over your side, my lips flicker over your shoulder blade - shimmering heat, a burning flame..

your hand runs over my thigh, the nails dig in though my pants ..
i grow ferm & insistant.. the crease of your clenched buttox rubbing me,
my hardon flexing between the silk and your skin..
my hand runs over your neck, i nibble your ear .. you hear that sound - feel it..

you feel my fingers play with your white silk nickers .. my fingers slide over it, an ice cube in hand..
the folds of your pussy quiver, the tip of my finger circling deeply in the jeweled wetness..
your eyes open wide, my lips running kisses over your cheek & lips.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Molting Butterfly

Molting Butterfly

hotter than well ... she handled it so swell ...
in his eyes she saw fire oh yes she could tell ...
he was her kind of master to ring her bell

oh she knew he had it for her and she knew why,
because she was the moon in his sky..
for HIM she was only shy.

oh she dreamed of him up high,
his hand upon her thigh,
that lady in his thought filled sky.

Monday, January 25, 2016


I see your eyes so amused, looking around as if the world is a comedy..
your smile full of sweet joy in perfect pink..
your mind searching the world, a barrier by a force like the storm.

my hand will hold yours, my lips play gently with your arm..
blow my mind with a smile as we kiss gently by the sea shore,
my eyes meet yours as I kiss the honey from your skin,
I dream of you.

you dream of me your eyes almost closed, your skin so soft against my lips..
I taste the salt & honey upon your skin - my lips climbing your spine..
your shoulder blades taste divine, you giggle kissing my lips..

I feel your hair upon my lips as I kiss your neck,
the words written on your side align with my hand as I run it over the skin sensually..
the oil glitters and tickles to the smooth kiss of desire..
lips pressed lovingly to your back..

my hands run up your sides & I take your lips to mine - holding your hands over my head,
encircling my shoulders .. oily fingers web hot passion.. with spicy naughty caresses..
my arms exude strength - fiery warmth & I wave my finger tip over your breast,
caressing skin.

my hands hold your breasts, you stroke my man wood ... I gulp as I kiss your breasts gently..
nipping them, sucking them deep in desire...
your backside ... against me I play with your chest biting your shoulder ..
nipping you delicately.

I cup your bum in my hands .. oil dripping off my fingers, massaging the cheeks firmly,
licking your back, nipping it with my teeth very delicately .. worshipfully.
you arch your back in my arms, my fingers glide across your folded pussy lips.

we move to the bed and I lift you onto a bed like a sheet of shimmering violet silk..
you cuddle me, laying your head on my neck .. giving me a hicky as you suckle on my neck..
your hand fondling my chest hair .. my hand runs down your side as I pinch you..

I pinch your ass possessively.. cupping your full round cheeks with my hand, strong .. full of desire,
hold my hand I say sliding your hand down my oiled chest - licking your neck..
pouring a little chocolate onto your shoulder - licking with abandon..

you slide down my chest dripping and then licking spots of creamy chocolate off my body ..
running your teeth up and down my hard shaft .. nipping delicately,
I push your head closer to my oily abdomen .. caressing your hair..

you rotate your hips close to my fingers, they dip into your inviting vagina ...
the palm of my hand grabbing your clef, I finger you pointedly looking you in the eyes as you lick my shining cock !
juices flow, moist very moist, finger tips gliding in and out.

might need some moisture on that ... head ;-) I say breathing deeply biting your hand & the nape of your neck..
your arm nibbled.. sternly placed upon my fully loaded weapon... oil glistening as you go down on it to the taste of chocolate.
sucking with a force that makes me tremble..

you will cum, I see the night as an endless passion I say naughtily ..
dipping my fingers into your wetness sternly ... your hips grinding my hand viscously .. nasty but you fill me with desire..
your eyes slide up my chest, you whisper .. will it ? your eyes glitter..

I slide my dick inside you ... grinding fiercely .. your eyes roll up .. you bite your lips, your tongue..
I pound you mercilessly & with abandon ...
caressing your chest as I hold you to me, lost in my arms you flame you burn with hot pulsing need..

raptured.. captured capitulate to me I say ... my eyes like diamonds glint with a need..
times running out ... there’s no time to bullshit ...
taking you to a limit & over the top.

I claim what is mine, claim it like I own this ...
taking you beyond forgiveness into the heat of the heady battle - the battle for dominance ...
pure driven sexuality & desire..

this is all just practice for my boys ... there is only so much teasing you can take I say ....
sliding with slow persistent thrusts into and out of you ... my hips grinding your pussy mercilessly..

i flick my fingers on your nipples .... light pain ... pain and delicious desire .... forgiveness

i lick your body ... my hands caress you, hold you, command you....
my body moves with oiled grace as your hips lift to clench me ... your need growing. 

grinding you deeply ... mercy you cry ! but I continue and continue ... you will cum I say,
your eyes close gasping for breath..

i hold your foot in my hand.. reaching behind me .... your big toe ground hard in my finger and thumb..
my hand caresses your foot, you can bearly take it.. closer and closer to cumming to my dominant thrust..
*bites lip*

I welcome your soft wetness as you gush,
Hold me hold me like you never did .... feed my desire ... feel the passion inside.. I say ..

cum cum now ..

i lift your leg nibbling ... kissing to the toes ... kissing the base of your foot - passionately as we move..
slapping like leaves in the autumn wind...
dancing in the act of sex as the salmon dance in the endless river of time

clenching your legs .. your body rocked by the feeling of bliss, love, devotion..
your pussy wet, moist clenches me dripping - very much in love..

clenching your legs, you jet slippery wetness over my dick ... you cry : I do love you ! i do i really do !
gasping, face reddening shyly..

i cum deep inside you .... waves of pure pleasure, passionate fire ... the cum of a the lover...

I cum forgiving ... forgiving and forgiven... with a cry as of the birds in the sky.

your body is rocked by orgasm, the fluids of my body filling you .. gushing inside..
cumming so darn hard - oh my gosh...

we sublime, sublime into bliss .. endless pleasure - satisfaction & warmth.

the rush

Látom a szépsége a szemed ...
olyan friss és tele szerelmeseinek öröm,
szíved olyan fiatal benned,
baba, hogy elég egy mosoly látom ..
baba jól érzem magam a rohanás ..
baba érzem, hogy törje össze ..
baba tényleg sokkal xxx

i see the beauty of your eyes ...
so fresh & full of lovers gladness,
your heart so young inside you,
baby that is quite a smile i see..
baby you make me feel the rush..
baby i can feel that crush..
baby you really are to much xxx

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

the moment

vedo il tuo sorriso ... vedo il modo in cui si guarda a me ..
Vedo una mano sul tuo culo .. oh e sicuramente quelle mani sono la mia ..
profondamente faccio a seguire ciò che è a venire .. ciò che viene presentato come il dono della mia mente ..

Vedo gli occhi per cercare di più nel mio cuore .. ma un dono io sono ..
presentato a voi nudo, nudo, pieno di passione per le parole e la vita.
di conoscere una mente frammentata per scelta? le tue labbra e la mia al buio

ai miei occhi si ha sempre .. quella grazia .. quella visione di bellezza allettante,
lasciate che il vostro flusso di amore nel mio cuore, le mani sul tuo corpo - elementale di essere rilasciato ..
sogni fatti fondamentale un sogno di questo corpo in movimento .. nel cuore ..
spinta in quella luce del cuore dal gini in bottiglia ..

c'è sempre un momento in cui sentiamo il bisogno, la necessità di essere come amanti in erba ..
amante sia in m giardino, a sentire con me i raggi del sole su nostri corpi nudi ..
mentre ci muoviamo ai lamenti di corvi nella canzone cantata dagli amanti venire mattina.

Io queste labbra laici su di te - il tuo cuore in assaporando alle labbra del vostro semidio gentile.
alla deriva come in un sogno le tue braccia intorno a me, la tua carezza uno di desiderio e di festa ..
il tuo tocco, la tua carezza .. signora del mio cuore il desiderio del mio amore dire - baciami

tienimi fra le tue braccia amare il mio adoro il mio cuore firey che va alla deriva come il legno su un fiume di vostri tempestuas desiderio,
oh dimmi amante nelle tue dolci parole che mi terrà, mi ami - riprodurre un brano con le dita .. sulle labbra,
il mio corpo in estasi nel raggio tua - mi porti il ​​tuo corpo è mio.


i see your smile ... i see the way you look at me..
i see a hand on thy ass .. oh and surely those hands are mine..
deeply do i follow what is to come .. what is presented as the gift of my mind..

i see your eyes search for more in my heart .. but a gift i am..
presented to you naked, naked full of passion for words and life.
to know a mind fragmented by choice ? your lips and mine in the dark

to my eyes you always have .. that grace .. that vision of tempting beauty,
let your love flow in to my heart, hands on your body - elemental being released ..
dreams made fundamental a dream of this body in motion .. in the heart..
thrust into that light of the heart by the gini in the bottle..

there is always a time that we feel the need, A need to be as lovers in the grass..
lover be in m garden, to feel with me the rays of the sun on our naked bodies..
as we move to the laments of crows into the song sung by lovers come morning.

i these lips lay upon you - your heart in savouring to the lips of your gentle demigod.
drifting as in a dream your arms around me, your caress one of desire and celebration..
your touch, your caress .. lady of my heart of desire of my telling love - kiss me

hold me in your arms cherish my adore my firey heart that drifts as wood on a river of your tempestuas desire,
oh tell me lover in thy sweet words that you will hold me, love me - play a song with your fingers.. on my lips,
my body in rapture within thine - take me your body is mine.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

heaven kiss

just a kiss upon the lips, stars will burn as we go nova ...
in your arms i burn up ...
living forever in that steaming kiss

drifting inside the heart of a dream,
your eyes caress my body - my hands play with your soul,
burnin up inside as you let me go..
liquid fire in heavenly snow.

as your lips run the lenth of my soul - living in a pleasure,
a moment lasts forever in the heart and soul,
baby you open my eyes to all that is good..
good in that hart felt touch on a soul.

close your eyes, dream of my every touch,
that embrace in the cold - that sweet heaven touch to the heart the soul..
non too soon you will be asking me back,
back from the edge of relapse - till into my arms your booty collapse.

living in the heat of surrender - burning up inside as you quiver in my arms,
to turn around in the dreams of forever - to collapse into the kiss of a warm embrace..
living a dream to be dreamed again in my arms again.

Monday, January 11, 2016

even space

to you the creative work goes,
in mind as the body moves in the throws,
so juicy oh heaven knows,
a lady heavy in the scent of flower shows..
a lady who knows how to lay down heavy blows.