Wednesday, January 27, 2016

a little gift of love

there was a little something in my hands as i came though the door,
you know somethin .. somethin was new in these eyes of mine..
oh people would talk day and night..

people would talk of that heavy musk on your lips..
they know this winter was a season so cold,
we heald back that misery on a carpet so thick because it held ..
dreams for me and you.

late into the night we drink of that sensual warmth by the light of loving dreams..
baby i need you - hold me, hold me down on that carpet as the nights go cold,
hold my heart so heavy on the whisper of hidden dreams ..

slip yourself deep inside the shield we wield to hold off a world shadowed by vague memories..
pose in my light inside the rainbow of the shelter of storms,
know an embrace among the sands of time to remember..

slip inside that warm place, place your lips, your lips upon me..
show that which into the heart cannot be denied - an arrow of amorous fortune..
can i hide as i close my eyes, you hold the world of the heart in your arms.

a warmth of gentleness, the place in your heart you have for me..
something exciting in your eyes as we slip into bed at night.
to see, to feel, to love - i adore the essence of you.
the love inside.

i wont torment you with complexity - i love that simple beauty you hold to me & my heart..
i desire you, i feel a close space in your heart is just for me..
love is the answer to so many needs - i need you.

i take you in my arms as i lift you onto the carpet by the fire.. i love fire,
i love the time we spend holding hands by it.
i love to entrance you with my lips my love my fire..
the glitter of your eyes cast low brings warmth to my soul.

i slide my hand as ever up your side, pulling you to me for the kiss..
time is an illusion in those moments, what we do together is the warmth of the universe..
the essence of light, talent and art.
i kiss you deeply tasting of your tongue, your lips.

my lips caress your spine .. i run them down your neck.. the soft tickles drive me wild..
your chest heaves in a sigh; your mind simmers to a boil,
enjoy this lover and i may make you mine i whisper..
your hips i hold close to my warm hands,

cupping your chest in my hands as of soft cloth.. thy silken shoal,
i kiss your elbow running my hand gently down your spine .. over your ass to the gentlest of touch's..
you are hot my love have you a cold ? i say grinning,
cupping your ass,

pulling you onto my lap.. my erection rubs up your ass, i move my hips & you yours .. ah the moment.. of spice.
running my hand over your side, my lips flicker over your shoulder blade - shimmering heat, a burning flame..

your hand runs over my thigh, the nails dig in though my pants ..
i grow ferm & insistant.. the crease of your clenched buttox rubbing me,
my hardon flexing between the silk and your skin..
my hand runs over your neck, i nibble your ear .. you hear that sound - feel it..

you feel my fingers play with your white silk nickers .. my fingers slide over it, an ice cube in hand..
the folds of your pussy quiver, the tip of my finger circling deeply in the jeweled wetness..
your eyes open wide, my lips running kisses over your cheek & lips.

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