Thursday, March 30, 2017

midnight dreams

the drip of sound, the fan going wild in a hot room ;... she lay there ... silent and beautiful ... her eyes they dreamed ... his mind passed over her with gentle desire, the pressure of hard unfathomable desire...

the pressure; the blood pumping made more noise than that fan; you would believe she danced in that moment, but her eyes where closed as of the dream; the dream she had ... moody & dark ... warm flooding lights of pink... oh but to dream.

silent; moody midnight dreams ... we move in sync with the moment, the pressure of the lovers harmony, the soft caress of warm kisses...

to wet the lips, one kiss at a time ... to sound the pressure burning with passion, your eyes and mine .. a moment to deep to forget.

the that moment; love get's wet ... when lips part in passion in lovers heart desires & contraction.

a profound contradiction of intense feeling and profound relief,

emotional contradiction and pleasure.

#midnight dreams


Q Cumber

he probably meant Q-cumber because we are many
and resistance is futile
because we slice, dice and eat nice

#vegetarian bussness (c)DL hehe

lover hold

beauty is a love we behold...
the lover to care the evening hold...
not to give up before going old,
go get bold !
nothing with love is cold..
so father told xxx


spring in step

to what i do the well said word, of the singer and the bird...
a lesson for those who have learned .... the 7th closing word,
love is the answer to the spring of the step; to the call of the song master.. to lovers word

a spring in word; a spring in chemistry....
have you a word to see,
what of love is chemistry...

what of love is a soul's answer to symmetry...
within the shadows of your eyes; a mystery...
within words of love the history.

love DL

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

2000 Lights (song)

2000 Lights (song)

too many lights on this road, energy is so bright that it burns the eyes ... i am of living fire ... dark against the snow;

east wind blowing though my hair as i watch the lady who brightens my day's and nights... will you be my lady tonight,

miss beautiful .. in creadable ... lady of my star filled night see the Dark knight's come to light,

angels burn so very bright ! tonight.

turns out that you will; fill my world come to light ... my lady that in darkness be my bright,
lover of my evening knight.

so many worries on this world come from so little; turns out that the price becomes a mound of self doubt,
so tonight i know that love is true, turned my night; this my lady knight ...

turned that cold into old .. the dancing fool into the clown of gold with a heart full of the flowering power of joy,
love knows no end for us; me and you; all the crew...

bright by our dance to the newest music of an age, that age of love the swining 2000 and 18 lights of the modern age.


Saturday, March 25, 2017

the whole night though (song compliments to you)

**the whole night though**


don't wana say like all the time i love you, i do it's true; and your feelin so right ...
in the mood to dance; in the mood to play for a while...
just want to stay a while; be with you ... just want to play a while; stay a while for you..

*sings* what do we want; stay a while.. once in a blue moon we are with you,
this old shack needs ah rockin... bad boy ? we be nockin all night though..
under the stars and way way away ...

shake this world in my arms tonight ... time will tell,
we got something though-out the night.

 we be nockin all night though.. under the stars and way way away ...
shake this world in my arms tonight ... time will tell,
we got something though-out the night.

only time will, only time will tell tales of me and you,
the night is young.. hearts learn to love in the shaded knight blue...
baby it's true; the whole night though .. me and you !

nock nock me an you..
the whole night though .. me and you


Friday, March 24, 2017

scented cup

to be or not to be, to see or to know of thee, who in the moment has been the lover in the cinnamon eye..

to twinkle as stars in the eyes of dragons, the motions of the cinema ... emotions that rise above nations,

to salute the stars when you know that no man has seen what you have; within the busting gush,
an emotional storm in the brewers dark fermented cup,

to drink; to have drunk from the eyes behind the cannon eye
sex, lies and video tape

to wed the dark; as come what may.. eyes looking ravenously to devour devotions, that for a mind most set to burn a passion, fermented.. to dream in jagged breat, to speak in sighs and whispers, lovers move against the dark... hand in hand .. a bow within the earp, the sound of silent drumming hearts, lips quivering as legs shake into the compassion of heart felt desire and love

so do my hands move, to sweep away frost and tears, driftin the lip to a whispered retreat in the ocean's of the mind.. heart busting with energy, livid fire filling hand with need.

the busting dam; the damaged ego .. the distressed and hear made desire..
unfurling song to the arch of the back the bow strung,

hands meeting mind to caress even the most frosty emotions into the oblivion..
the moment erect; proud in the wind, to the quivering of parted and kissing lip; kissing tongue.

to meet as we do, before the cracking fire; warm beyond measure to the caress of hidden hands, our lips kissing; our hands emotionally involved in the twirl of an evening's heated fray...

to dream of love with you, the scented bust.

be slow,
take a gentleman's time about your time with her for her heart is slow to open and her lips to melt to your kiss..

melted wax runs most hot between your thighs,
as lips dance, to the mind's silent lover.


body and soul

you want her lads ...
don't you.. ..
can barely breath..

she's taking that breath away !
with her kisses..
show her that you love her , like a REAL MAN..

treat her to devotion,
lay your heart in her ocean..
a wave upon her sea.

touch her body,
move her soul..
caress her with your fingers, your hands all over her..

feel all that love !
feel her smother you in physical compassion and adoring love.

touch me !
love me !
adore my moves..

as i rock you in the act of compassionate sex..

touch my body !
as i caress you with my thick.


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Dominatrix - song/rap

all black leather and got up for you, on your knees .. kiss the mistress on the pussy lips..
put on that gimp suite boy !
mothers gona teach ya !
preach to ya while she takes yall to heaven..
bend over,
she wants a little piece of you !
on her plate !
give her heaven..
get whatcha want !
oh boy..
dominatrix gona make you pay up,
take you to the hard won piece of heaven !
you earn it boy..
she's got you 8 to 11..
blow you ? it's heaven.
Bella lucky to the Sevens.



to be or not to be ... that is the selection ...
bad boy correction ... naughty ladies erection ...
that and the just of booty confection.. the snow confetti election.

(c)DL in a quirky mood


to be as one would fly,
spry as an eagle in the sky,
coming up like a fountain high.


Thursday, March 16, 2017

passage (song)

baby baby bay ou ou OuuUUU i ... Find ...
Myself AT One With TiMe And SpaCe oou,
SpacE In YouRRRR Arms To LoVe OuuuUUu Baby Yeh *song* *sing it*

taKe You on a walK for The ResT of my Days ...
moving on ways .... it's just a kiss baby ouuu ....
the rest of our lives from our drive.

taKe You on a walK for The ResT of my Days ...
moving on ways ....
it's just a kiss baby ouuu .... the rest of our lives in my drive ...
taking the loves walk for the rest of our days !

passenger feathers on the clyde;
With my frikin phone ... takin that long walk ...
phones turn them off ...
we are but feathers ... riding on the river of love for a time...
lovingly our "bonny an clyde" two passengers on a ride.



my broths ? now my brothers ...
my brothers are in the arms of mercy given to the love of others ...
brothers; given love; baby mothers ....

(c) DL

Monday, March 13, 2017


a lovers caress, thought does the rest... drifting in the lovers poetic address..
take my hand i know you feel,
scorched cinnamon rolls ... on the moving reel...
score the music as lovers steal... touching moments that feel so real. <3


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Sailor's Thought

*Sailor's Thought*

time to close your eyes and dream of the softly washing sea shore ....
to drift as love gets you more .... see the welling heavens for what you want more ...
the sky beside the sea shore where you see the heart score..

lay beside me said the sea..
why not find out how lovers will be..
heavy washing the clean soul .. passions in the grass as the bee,
let us find out what lovers see

dance with the rainbows; dance with the sky ... find out where lovers are seen,
in the movies on the screen..
let's be where the lovers are keen!
love to dance; take a liner to the stars... moon light on the water sheen..
memories of where we loved and have been.

rise on wings over the sea; gills dancing as a rainbow trout..
sailors can love; their love is stout..
romantic lovers pout..
kissing here; there and about,

heavy lidded eyes dream.. till the steam boat trumpet shout..
hands search the morning breeze .. words to say as the mariner's scout,
kissing lovers embrace as the winds blow; come morning saught...
weary eyes no more than a mystery to the eyes of a captain's thought..


Saturday, March 4, 2017

pokey bee

A flock of starlings tweeting in the sky,
Lovers hearts beating,
In tune with the heart the hand plays a tune... Coming to fruit while the lover's seating...
To the warm bed.. Hard lovers sensual sex eating.

You suite like a flower the bee,
You are the naked honey to me..
Chosen to come like a queen you see.


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Turkish - the massage

Turkish - the massage

i was a long way from home...
but her smile as she hoped in the door was excited; Her manner one of exuberant delight..
her warmth and her welcome ? i could not refuse,

I smiled; Would i refuse to ? she was so warm...
I felt her; Her expectant politeness ... She almost felt well known ... a sports star prahapse ?
But is this even possible ?

We hugged and she lay down on the springy bed ... a towl upon it...

I touched her skin; Feeling for the swirls of knotted muscle; This is a massage after all ha..
Her skin was cream smooth and slightly tanned, ..

As i felt her muscle in her back i ran my hands down her spine ... oils glistening upon my finger tips..
Caressing and smoothing her skin.. the muscle coming under the rain of swirling finger tips ...
I ran my hands over her hips, The tips of my fingers digging into her skin...

Her bottom was smooth round, The muscle in need of a good working with the hands,
I smoothly ran my hand over her cheek and around the tight curb of her bottom...
Over her legs and down to her feet.

I slide my hands into the arch of her foot; curling toes between my fingers as i slid them back against my palm..
Pushing her toes up and towards the top of her foot, Massaging her toes one by one..
she sounded relaxed ...

I ran my hands over the back of her leg ... The muscle there felt soft; Unblemished by trouble...
I had expected to find something to treat and to my suprise.. soft as a baby !

I instructed her with my hand delicately ... turn over ..
The top of her legs, I massaged delicately; Her leg so soft under my hands; Her line trim.. perfect to my eye.

I curved my hand; Caressing her hip and upper leg ... stroking back and forth my hand cupped,
Her eyes sparkled her mind playing games with me, Her lips spoke of her passion of her contentment...
A merry bubbly laugh to pull the heart; the mind.. less troubled.

Her belly muscles, the soft fat of her skin.. my hands circling; Kneeding her,
Her eyes spoke and my hand moved down upon her, My finger tips dipping within her moisture..
the slippery wetness of her had me in silence, My eyes closing gently.. her tremouring whisper of want..

My lips slid up her belly; To her shoulder.. i kissed her shoulders; Her lips; Her throat...
Clasping her sides as i thrust into her .. strong confident strokes...
Her back arching against the pillows,
Her lips parting as she slid her tongue around her teeth.. Ever needful...

I sliped my fingers deep into her moisture.. such a feeling this gives to the mind..
the look of surprise upon her face ... too shocked to speak in her orgasm.