Sunday, March 5, 2017

Sailor's Thought

*Sailor's Thought*

time to close your eyes and dream of the softly washing sea shore ....
to drift as love gets you more .... see the welling heavens for what you want more ...
the sky beside the sea shore where you see the heart score..

lay beside me said the sea..
why not find out how lovers will be..
heavy washing the clean soul .. passions in the grass as the bee,
let us find out what lovers see

dance with the rainbows; dance with the sky ... find out where lovers are seen,
in the movies on the screen..
let's be where the lovers are keen!
love to dance; take a liner to the stars... moon light on the water sheen..
memories of where we loved and have been.

rise on wings over the sea; gills dancing as a rainbow trout..
sailors can love; their love is stout..
romantic lovers pout..
kissing here; there and about,

heavy lidded eyes dream.. till the steam boat trumpet shout..
hands search the morning breeze .. words to say as the mariner's scout,
kissing lovers embrace as the winds blow; come morning saught...
weary eyes no more than a mystery to the eyes of a captain's thought..


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