Sunday, May 28, 2017



Her hand slipped gently into the curve of his breast .... cupping his heart ;....
The beat like a drum.

Her hand to his lips.

To her feelings there was no confusion ... she wanted that which he had

Her lips searched his; finding their both desire & warmth...
Their bodies touching in the dark; sensual; ..
Emotional passion ready to light the fires of night.

Her hand snaked over his skin, the curve of her fingers holding his nipple... dinging the point,
Her other hand caressed his armpit ...,

Her lips running down his thigh .. all over his hot body ...,
His hand running over her in gentle sweeps ...

Her lips parted; his tongue piercing her vaginal folds ...
The clef damp and quivering where his tongue touched her ...

Her body arching in desire ... hot passion in her veins ..,
Her head swimming as she came to his lips.

Caressing his thigh ... pulling him within her .... his confidence rising ... his breath on her lips,
His kisses ardent .. maddening ... her body melting under the weight of his heavy strong motions ....;
Her breathing heavy .. her cries deep.

She moved sensually against the bed sheets ... her back sliding against the silk;
Falling upwards into his arms ... his kiss ...,

The scent of his musk filling her mind as she came..

to come to the finally where the rains fall; the rainbow though the clouds to peak in sunlight splendour.


Friday, May 26, 2017

Cult of the drum

*Cult of the drum*

*the wide eyed innocent collage chick got on her knees kind of reminding me of some sort of ceremony of sexual satisfaction in a cult xxx the beating drums and moody sax intensified the action*

*the drums beat as she took him deeper .... his mind almost sleeping as she slipped his length between her lips her thighs pumping to his hand motions*

this was the magic of a darker age, a primitive primal pulse .... the motions thousands of years old ....the satisfaction was intense....

she excited him, she enthralled him ... his spell bound heart beating harder and harder as her lips

she lay back her hand moving, her lips caressing my thigh ..... my fingers ran down her thigh & i cupped her rose to my lips my tongue grinding passionately

she lay back her toes caressing my thighs ...... my lips smacked as i bit her toe, my shaft digging deep ....

the drums intensified ... the beating heart pounding to the tempo of hard metallic shiny thighs .... creamy with salt and oil

the lovers curled, his hands all over her body ! his lips caught her nipple .... sucking deep, she moaned as his body moved in a harsh sharp sensual beat .... this was a true love of the cave primative

the two lovers moved in a fast beat .... her hands clasping his back, her moans as her passion increased .... his thighs pumping his breath jagged ....

her mouth bit his shoulder, her finger nails scratching his back ... his body salty to her lips

his finger tips circled her body ... his lips kissing her neck, his mouth on hers ..... as he came to feel her..

her breath pushed from her lips in jagged sighs .... his lips moving further down her body, the tip of his tongue flickering in a blur over her clitoris... his hands circling her thighs dominantly ...

her ass he held in his hand ... his hands moving up over her bottom with possessive strength ...... moving his thighs to caress her bottom..

pushing into her, the plush tightness ... the warm crushing wetness of her folding over his shaft ... the tip of his member feeling bliss

his shaft moving strongly in and out of her, her breath pushing her lips in gasps as his shaft moves

her motions exquisite, he felt her every move like a dream of fire and ice ... shivers and hot burning brow

i will cum soon she whispered, yes yes yes .... her eyes closing,
his lips moving with in primal overload..

wet to the feel of his hard wood .... cumming over his shaft in pearly essence ...

finally she came in a gush !

his lips tasting her juice

her body shook, her lips parting in cries ..... he took her deep,  between her thighs his motions where exquisite .... masculine and strong...

she feels totally satisfied, his thighs moving as she slapped his ass !


his finger tips circled her body ... his lips kissing her neck, his mouth on hers ..... as he came deep inside her in a gush

his load blowing hard ! his orgasmic cry .. like hers completely satisfying...

and complete.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

shy eyes

to the world of sorrows you are that kiss of the morning,
turning a heart from the gray's of yesteryear....
so many ways to travel going and turning..
to cup a glass with you hold back tears ..
loving to hear the cry of  your voice in the new year.


Al mundo de los dolores eres ese beso de la mañana,
Convirtiendo un corazón de los grises de antaño ....
Tantas maneras de viajar y dar vueltas ..
Tomar un vaso con las lágrimas.
Queriendo escuchar el grito de tu voz en el nuevo año


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

waters in her dreams

to drift with her; the whispers of breeze playing with her wispy blond hair,
her toes arching as her fingertips press together in chaste grace; her laughing bell sounding into the breeze ...

her phone nonchalantly purring in her hands like a big white stone ...
her eyes closed as her mind drift among the moody dreams of a mind driven wild by the steamy dreams her lover spills into her ears..

drifting as water tulips in the pure waters that caress her feet.


Saturday, May 13, 2017

heart of true

it takes the man of steel.. to realise that love was real, beauty is not the meal.. love is mean't to heal.


Monday, May 8, 2017

down with that - raps

Stone Cold Silver
MC smasha
baby - im the dashin man
all in fashion
clashing to the thunder-in roar of the crowd
baby i Am down wid dat

but music
smokers gray this room is the hay
back acha
spank that booty, 5 to 15
late even all dat

smokin till late
Tee gona make the man wait
shake it yeah
shake that , cool it

down in time
eial minded
yo yo
down into the grove

lickidy lickidy
pow oh shazow
bow kitty bow wow
goin on down


Friday, May 5, 2017

Trixxy Bella - rap song

*Trixxy Bella*

in the darkness of ages,
an oad to all them pages ....
darkness is my vampyre...
coldness my satyr....
a lover my warm fire...

beautiful bella in gold a tyre,
a lover filling we with desire ....
bella rein and her satyre ....
dark sun fyre *raise it up raise it up*

big ups combinatrix ....
let us not complexify the tricks,
between you and me bella rain the dominatrix ...
Bright fyre Dark fyre ... the lady and her bag of trickxx



Pretty in white; a tie around her neck like a school rebel..
Her red cloth draped across her; a ribbon for every kiss to her lips you dreamed of..

You probably did it; yes we did it ... then again oh but a dream..

A figment to her thought's her eyes pondering you; her smile amused...
eve in the evening you chose..

(c) DL

to lovers that wept

Is this what you feel as she touches you,
The caress of her hand that she loves you,

Speak as of dreams she loves you... in memory she covers you ...

In thought she holds onto you in the march of her hands that crave to hold you,
To hold you back as you come onto her with your eyes glittering into the sun that is her soul,

Unfolding into your memory like a glittering fur coat that you caress in your hand ...
But holding to hard it burns you,

Deeply seeking eyes question and believe ever seeking truth in your heart as her kisses unfold you...

*to lovers that wept in sacrament* (c)DL

the mist

Unto each a branch and unto that river a shiver as we kiss, 
A kiss unto kiss a beginning of beginning's ... 
A shape into which we fold like memories that are golden warm to hold unto the dreams amongst the mist, 
The gentle cool dampness of the tempest and the rain ... 
The wind hissed ...., 
To fit within the circle of lovers chosen kiss. 

(c)DL <3

the rain

Blame not the desires that hide within me sprouting like grain to the field of they watering can;
For i am but grown of the seed you planted a season ago..

But planted to grow all my inches tall !
Like a massive pole of ivory..

Sprouting as the rains fall over us like drenching mist;
This evening's fall..


to fly

so you are one so high..
one with whom the clouds fly..

touching that your heart is mine for the love most shy,

what can one ask to touch the sky ?
beauty with the kiss that makes one high.


Thursday, May 4, 2017

lovers pace

have you ever dreamed of a place, where love is out of space, time to let lovers pace.. i rest the case,
lover to chase,
to dream of the lover ace..
hearts to beat in haste..
once when lovers are chaste..
beautiful eyes; rest this case.
