Sunday, May 28, 2017



Her hand slipped gently into the curve of his breast .... cupping his heart ;....
The beat like a drum.

Her hand to his lips.

To her feelings there was no confusion ... she wanted that which he had

Her lips searched his; finding their both desire & warmth...
Their bodies touching in the dark; sensual; ..
Emotional passion ready to light the fires of night.

Her hand snaked over his skin, the curve of her fingers holding his nipple... dinging the point,
Her other hand caressed his armpit ...,

Her lips running down his thigh .. all over his hot body ...,
His hand running over her in gentle sweeps ...

Her lips parted; his tongue piercing her vaginal folds ...
The clef damp and quivering where his tongue touched her ...

Her body arching in desire ... hot passion in her veins ..,
Her head swimming as she came to his lips.

Caressing his thigh ... pulling him within her .... his confidence rising ... his breath on her lips,
His kisses ardent .. maddening ... her body melting under the weight of his heavy strong motions ....;
Her breathing heavy .. her cries deep.

She moved sensually against the bed sheets ... her back sliding against the silk;
Falling upwards into his arms ... his kiss ...,

The scent of his musk filling her mind as she came..

to come to the finally where the rains fall; the rainbow though the clouds to peak in sunlight splendour.


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