Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Star King

Dynamic Attack Zone

Firstly we have to believe that so many beds have been filled ..
Sleepy heads rest this day!

Who are we to be the judge for the profit..
Who are we to exclaim in excitement at the quality of the generous public?
Who are we who witness here the silent hollows; The wild grain..

Clearly the need for rooms to be filled is past the burgeoning needs of the child in the mothers womb!
Illustrious with child, Exclaimed of in the papers of tomorrow..

Child ? Grow up; Strong, Wealthy & Free.. So healthy without you and me?!
Come oh child of the stars, Come great child of man; Woman & beast..
Who comments upon the beast that sit's at the child's feet gnawing bones of old men?

Come Fathers; Come mothers; Come daughters of Eden..,
This table is fat with the lamb; Fat with the pottery of the maker's Whisp..
Come from far; Come from wide.. Come from under the rich earth..
Lovers of the deep, Lovers of the dawn,
Come romantic hearts are Lost & Won!
Jewels of the stars, Sapphires of the GODS; What need of this star in the heavens..
Dreams mortals Dreams!

Star King Definitive Love

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