Thursday, September 12, 2024

Bird woman on a spaceship!

When i was 4foot6 I met A, Bird woman on a spaceship! now you may be wondering how, why, for what reason : DukeThrust

For a start lets lay down a few terms : Coque, Hen, Chick, Bird, Birdman, In essence the Bird Man Species & of course non specifically our kind

Now I was in a field & there was a circle indent on the ground & I stood on it...

After a bit there was a quite silent feeling like some dense matter floating overhead and no sound..

A tube came down very fast & I was sucked into a spaceship..

As I moved along the tube; pieces of grass floated beside me & I passed along the tube...

I entered a chamber & there were red lasers firing from the ceiling & they fired semi random at the grass & earth!

Oh my god one of those lasers is going to hit me! I thought & I prayed & out loud I made a little comment; But no biggy! Hail the experience!

I arrived next thing in a chamber with a masked worker that was wearing a suite & helmet..

Shall I describe it? About my size & with a helmet with a sharp point facing forward like a knight in armour.

So I looked at the mostly red control panel while the alien (apparent) worked on the buttons & appeared to look at the samples through the window..

So I asked what the samples are for; No particular comment research..

I asked if they would take the helmet off & they said that there could be potential infection..

I agreed; But I said that I was not particularly worried & they said : Me Nether!

But rules are rules.


They showed me to a chamber; mostly white with suited hanging on the wall..

They showed them to me by pointing in expression at all the suites.

Am i to put one on? they shook their head! (No)

They pointed at their body and moved their hand down; I smiled and pointed at my body & smiled again!

'Well never mind what we mean hay?'

'We made out, What exactly does a lady in a suit with a beaky helmet look like... Who knows ôo'

Coo Coo!

Duke Thrust of TalaEtsum Nazmada

Bear in mind the following thoughts, both confidential discretionary approved but well advised if you deal with ALIENS

Given the nature of the information contained; I offer the choice that the content both advises discretion in GEN Selection and species,

Bird Type Humans & sub classifications : Eagle, Fruit & Nut eater, General Omnivores that eat seed & also worms..

While I will not directly disclose a conversation about worm eating; I will disclose that the Bird-Man under disclosure of NDMA is a real Nut eater..

You may be under the associated thought that a nut eater would not be awkward about a question about worm or meat eating..

You may be surprised to hear her say that Nut Eating ... & I don't eat category monkeys!

Please don't be offended! But meat eaters can terrify a species that only eats Nuts and nutrients of the vegetable sort..

I almost lost a friendship with her for the simple reason that I was not quite as diplomatically quiet & polite as a non scientist!

Now if you are offended then no biggy,
I associate humour & erotic play by innuendo & I am sure what I mean?

Not we, Not they! No, we do not understand racial context at all.

However bear in mind that both I & her were polite on first contact & thankfully that is so!


You may be wondering about SEX, What do Aliens Do? What do aliens Say?

However Genetic shock from sperm donation, that is a surprise & a sad one!

She almost died & I prayed for forgiveness as I healed her by the way of Jesus.

Duke Thrust Hailing from Nazanar


Ok! The matter of Space Bird's voyage to earth has not been cleared up..

So you think a bird with tiny feathers all over her body is non too difficult..
Well as you may be wondering; The feathers were tiny; Her bill was smaller than the mask suggested..
But larger billed eagles may be what fits the full helmet!

Personally the sex was sweet and sensual; But when i licked her; She was aware i was at least an omnivore & in fact thought that i was going to eat her or something,

Although her eyes where hard to read & i told her that she should lick me & that there was nothing wrong with that ...

I told her that licking & tasting were not part of a habit on part of my species to eat or devour & or in any way harm the partner & that it was ok.

I told her a little later that I believed in non harm of partners & that I would never harm a lover of mine & that harming my lovers goes against my belief system.

When I came into her; her face was delighted... She sang to me!

AS she sang her eyes assumed a glazed confusing look & over a period of 1 minute she became quiet & I got worried & felt her skin & face..

I worried and worried! I treated her & examined her body..

As part of my military training I had basic medical; I have gifts; Telepathy; Empathy; Sense; Touch.. Love..

The last thing I needed was for my lover to become sick and die on me & in my arms.

I tried several methods..

I tried touch heal
I tried cleaning
I tried prayer!

Finally I tried Touch again with Jesus in mind & all my other list of gods.

Once again! Thank you god for ever being with me & saving my space girl..

In God's name we trust Amen, Thank thee lord Amen.


Science Study

Allowing The production of quality sperm for transgenic mutation of aboral alien life forms with one complementary humanoid with cardiac and system function such as cool skill & low arrhythmic cardiac rates; calm deep blue eyes...

There are so many reasons for our children to prosper and so many places that they could live!

So why not take a proposal to produce mutually compatible genome and cross sample the KANG of space DT & crew,

During the night after my proposal to study sperm samples ( but i had to have theirs aswell & that was a problem for them & needed discretion & diplomacy),

The original microscope proved inefficient; the electron microscope proved sufficient to look upon a few sperm samples; including the samples of operative KANG; Duke Thrust..

Original scan was 175un to 50un & proved that some sperms where specifically suggestable as more compatible with species samples...

After offering to look at the technology; ways existed to enhance it; Earth education does not suck! you see & helps us learn...

further effort was put into the electron microscope for 3un scanning & sperm resolution could pick up a tiny bit of error in shapes of sperm...

Egg functions as you know are a problem for the production of children and as you may know?

The production of Avion's with complementary "Humanish" DNA & Sperms... Proves difficult!

Not impossible! Development & fertilisation of voluntary specimens of female stock with the male prove a success!

Male Avion's of the eagle specification where reluctant and socially bound by cast stereotyping & social distance from more social "eaters of wider tastes"

The typical role of a Male Eagle is dominant; let's face it! The typical social position of nut eaters & omnivores is a clear and clean social status statement...

We ourselves have pre positions of all kinds; Dark; Light; Shape; Size; Personality!

So least we blame Avion's for social casting themselves; They are not to blame.

In the technology they had available:

Photon telescopes (laser)
Gravimetric & magnetic rings
machinery & regulation lab equipment
space suits
some other things...

You may find that child to be both shy and polite & meek...
But you may also find them both capable & generous in the work they do.

Avast avenar, Tulsan Cupo

Solan Duke Thrust


Non too selective : A tale of perspective

When I worked in the lab; I worked mainly with females; however, I worked with two males..

One was attentive to only the equipment & what was needed & he barely spoke to me
(accept about equipment; but he stayed coolish & distant),

The other however was showing me how to use glassware; You can be sure I know how to use glassware! However he knows more in most cases..

Because he worked lab exclusively; However we chatted & got on with the experiments of biology..

He thought there were things I shouldn't know & being a control agent... He threatened to wipe stuff (and had before),

However I returned the favour for a moment & made him forget that he is a coque!...

Do you remember you are a coque? & he touched his face & body & the similarities between our forms had his face a look of horror!

I have a nose a nose!, No you have a beak i said after around 30 seconds of him saying he was human...

There you go! An important lesson; You have something on your face regardless of beak or nose!

So you know that all those forms are attractive to us; Rather potentially viewed with a kinder heart..

So he knew how I could see him & them & myself as attractive.

That is perception..

Duke Thrust the most inquisitive


Coque fight!

I had the opportunity to fight a coque; You know they are honour bound to fight a potential mate; You know?
Because you know when you 'fertilize their female'; They get angry! Right so yeah

He came after me! But you know a chicken/eagle bird near 6 feet tall ? He is tough!...
He whooped me to the floor with his arm in the first round! But.. He did not step on my face!

You know stepping on your face is pretty common with the bird species!

We did arm waving and stuff too! i know my Coque etiquette well ôo

Ended ok; couple of rounds each & a good handshake.

Duke Thrust Victorious Chicada


Table Etiquette

When you eat with avians that mostly eat nuts & a little protein...
You have to prove that you are not likely to eat them, As in the avians!

Now you understand racism; But constant questions about liking a little more protein at the table...
Goading by a flock of quite angry vegetarians that you might like more meat... Now that is racist...
But personally I understand it!

Now I told them; The pact with you does not permit me to accept friendship with you and eat you..
I am quite prepared to eat protein bars...

I explained in conversions at the table; While eating...

Liberty; Feminism; Animal rights; Humanity & caring; About avions...

About understanding & life..

Avians can be won over; They are not deaf & they most certainly are not dumb!

For example it takes an avian group around 15 Minutes to learn chess!
They really play quite good :D; Got it?

Duke Thrust the diplomat


Intelligence Example Plasters!

Well you know coques fight & naturally they wish to fight me; I am a trooper,

Now for any injury you get medically treated; With stitches or whatever..

But? No plasters! I explained I needed a plaster; during a fight! Get treatment

A Plaster I said; Is a pad with sticky bits that you apply to a wound!

Ok let's just not go over criticism like all day blah blah! :L

So anyway I went back to base & I went to requisitions & asked for plasters... Personal use!So i paid the required 5$ & Took them!

Next fight; a Coque had an injury & I applied a plaster! BEHOLD MIRACLE

Well afterwards the lab wanted to look at the plasters and they did!

Next time they were injured in a fight... & Guess what!

A New kind of plaster!

Clear flexible plastic / Flexible Celluloid aligned protein

The shape? 8 ==o==
Colour: Transparent
Glue? not evident, Moisture soluble sticky glutamate...


Duke Thrust the studious & learned fighter


The Golden Yellow pill

Too good to miss Body Armour (c)RS

Now combat birds may well be described as wearing a flexible hard case body armour that is dark browny goldy black & a short sword....

Now i don't want to be picky but i really imagine a laser right, Well the birds are not exactly revealing anything! :L

However diagnostics of golden brown grey & black Bay reveal Kevlar & maybe Metallic chrome/tungsten..

Now that combination makes sense for several reasons of defence! But that does not guarantee impact damage mitigations that..

Microporous Foam in the forms of Rubber and poly-carbon fibre..

& Yes a sword, Tungsten carbide / Poly Carbon glass/Alloy


The Golden Yellow pill

Yeah no idea!
Battle mad init!



Lab work progresses

After the fight the situation went along smoothly in the lab; Proof of humans origins with birds is shown to be plausible...

Eggs are impregnated heavily; But the subject of bills comes up as an issue...

Because clearly I like small or no bills because my first bird is a short bill kind of 'blue, black blue, shiny dark red, never sure' bird..

Well I say that I am not racially motivated to short, small, no bill or some bill... I like them the way they are!

Male samples are collected & examined & good matches found!

Results are excellent & the work process with all females impregnated..

Not sure what is next #WingVirse

Duke Thrust the studious


Not in the least...

Most hens examining healthy partners were content to mindfully pick one or two they liked...

Feeling less than confident with my polite selections of healthy males..

However healthy females remained in the lab & the situation got hot; Hot as in slightly angry..

So.. What is it? Me

Yep they wanted me & god I had so little faith in me; But they know better! that is all I know...

Thanks for having faith in me; really xxx

Duke Thrust


First contact is not easy for anyone

First contact for the MEN...

Got to tell you that telling 20 males in your Army squad That 'a Space Duck/Bird & whatever else you may be inclined to think or say' would like to meet them...

Hard work!

Explaining to a hen that she should be diplomatic & that helmet off is not a good idea because of the common cold & racial shock...
Difficult & getting her up for it? harder still!

Explaining to potentially the most troubled & racially divided American platoon that you really do have to be polite to a 'Space Chick!', That really is hard!

First contact is not easy for anyone

You see space chicks are a little bit sensitive to emotions & feelings!

The men themselves were asked, But not everyone believed or know how to trust..

Any motive to capture a space chick has to be driven out...
Socially awkward, sexism, anxiety & drama...

Really no one understands this enough; First contact is scary.

A time & place is arranged & we meet in a field..

Standing around 5 Feet+ away from one another...

Initially I am standing with the Men..

Initial contact involved a lot of fear; When reality became clear & real..
The men & her started to feel strangulated & worrisome..

I told them to stay calm! & to her stay calm...

I am frightened she said; I said gentlemen stand here i am going to talk to her ok...

Ok ok...

Ok stay calm, stay calm...

Because of potential antisocial distancing, Not allowed close..

Stay back men.. ;-)

Ok what now; You like em? Want to see anything? Show a little skin lads,
You first one man said!, She Ok i do!

she got her kit out, helmet on, All bird feathery & silky skin..

Stay there lads stay there, Now yours, now yours!

Tops first revealing Amazonian skins of all America, Vietnam & black troopers..

The only sounds of soft clucking under breath...

Men huffing and puffing, showing physique

MUSCLE, Men got that! Everything else she got it...

Nothing heavy lads, don't want her to feel... Man is a wild cannibal..

Duke Thrust reporting from the hot sweat of memory..


The duckman's navigator : A tale of bravery cleverness & stupidity

The navigator himself was a very fit duck; But he was in the 40 to 50 range..

He had golden feathers with a dark browny gold tufty look & was in our terms mostly feathery!

So mostly he wore pants & no top (because of feathers, low feather count birds don't do this)

But he got turned down by a hen in the corridor; I guess his age & his job were not prestigious enough!

Afterwards he seemed to think females did not like him any more...

Male duck types that don't have female fans die of old age!

How ?

Turning slightly grey in the random feathering department & depressed attitude...

Soon turns them suicidal & dementedly agey.

So because he is the navigator & apart from my interest..

Almost nobody would spend time training for that job!

So I pointed out to the hens the actual importance of the navigator & that he would soon be dying of old age...

"No navigator? no ship!"

So they spoiled him & yes ever more ...

You shall know how important females are to us.

Duke Thrust the ever appreciative! ;-)


Today we achieved a marvellous day in the lab! Success all round.. Yey

I walked in the hallway & two hens surrounded me & told me I was being a bit boring...
I backed off; Only to be apprehended by another hen!

They pushed me towards my room...

What can i say; We had a marvellous time for two days...

No escape & no redemption!

Every chick I ever wanted; Well how can you live the man's dream? No idea! :L

Satisfied totally..

Yours truly..


On that note I observe that a person can escape reality through work..
But really one must pay attention to one's family! & Social life.

Balanced is the wind; Dancing is the fire; The waters of wisdom our peace; Our foundation the earth holding a beautiful life.

Duke Thrust


Girlfriend.. Oh yes having ONE; Literally means wife!

I apologize that the emotional sensitivity of dealing with women requires socially responsible sharing..
You need to care right & we know that; Even with texting.

Ok so you may be wondering about miss calculation of emotional state..

I was in bed with my woman; I cuddled her & as is traditional with us? yes; She lay her head on my chest..

Cute really & emotionally warm! Now we know that we show this thing called love & It does not always involve sex..

However; She had difficulty with the 'No sexual involvement' of tonight & asked me if I wasn't interested?

(You know this 'woman' is a warrior right?)

I said I gave you a few days of sex already; I am trying to get in touch with the emotional side of cuddling!

We had a discussion about the matter while cuddling & I asked her if she found me loving & she said I was..

However it appears she found that none too reassuring 'to Hen senses' & she asked my Lab 'Man' What he had done to my brain!

Lab man assured her that He just wanted me more .. Human..

Her side was that; Being more Human was not what 'It was about'; It was about how credit for ideas were shared..
Between us!

I personally believe that there is plenty of good sharing credit in a family & group or social friends.. Personally.

Anyway later I showed her that 'Being more Human' meant I was more considerate of her personal desires during sex..

Indeed I made her cum; But not to complex a personal matter to think of is...

How does a Birdman feel? Because before that (with training) I was more like that.. Birdman!

So in what sense is there a correct way to behave ?

You might wonder about Men & Women..
Emotions behaviour or wild passion or emotional sensitivity?

What do we really like?

Duke Thrust 12H Empathic advisor; Emotional state caring & a little socially abstracted.


The Eggman story... Well this is difficult to tell!

How I became a daddy

One day & a few others; I was worried about my eggs & the others eggs..
Not sure you know; But if you genetically select fathers for health? You wanted to know how this turns out!

Well after buzzing them ... most of the days on 'What happens with the eggs'!

Mostly i was worried that the protein we ate in bars was from my eggs! SORRY NOT A CANNIBAL!

Anyway I got to see the egg racks and you know I could look at them!
Not satisfied; I wanted to look at the eggs themselves,

So I went for decontamination & health check with a device you put against the skin..

The device is a sticking out white metal stick like ===<DDDD with a cheap LED ...

The needle aluminium or steel; Not quite sure! not particularly cold & flat at the end : O

So the egg rack was pulled out of the enclosure & a light slightly damp atmosphere came out...

Well you know Alien! :L But these eggs were not big enough! :L

I approached and touched the eggs lightly; They were warm to the touch...

Non too convinced; I hatched a plan... Daddies going to eat him some eggs; Daddy has not had enough protein! I said...

The attendant was worried; But I lifted my hand 'patience; have patience!'

The eggs began moving; there was a light futile cooing.. like a purr!

I stroked the eggs assuring them that daddy does not mean to hurt them...

I got the feeling they needed energy! So I offered some...

What they need; Energy & love..

Given how I felt about what I had said..; Just what they needed & more..

But still; I am not infinite energy; So as much as I was able & the attending scientist too..

But I gave love & knowledge; All I could..

<3 DT

The young born!

And that is how I became a daddy...

& got followed all day; When I came into the day care centre!

Duke Thrust the everready daddy


You know when I tell you : The Hen i love

Laying on bed, Her head against my chest...
With evenings of love; Hard work is a worth while dream,

You can spend all day working & evening cooking..
Really the times you spend together mean so much,

Touch the heart; Touch the soul; touch the mind; Caress the hair; The fur; the skin; the feathers like a bird..
Touching is the soul; The mind; The heart; The hand & the love within the soul.

Duke Thrust thoughtfully holding a dream.


Equality & fair play

You can spend time cooking together

If you both work on a space ship all day together; You sure can cook together!
If you truly think about it; Equality works.

Spend all day telling me that i did the opposite of be with fairly..
I will truly see what I am and have become...

The Judge is not the man himself but the beliefs he holds.

Duke Thrust kindly yours with love


Although it is not known of where they live; of why or how..
Forever more shall the kymera rule of the stars & in deep space...
They shall become of all we had hoped; Desired & dreamed.

Duke Thrust the ever hopeful father


XRay Scan, A Space bird related story, With a scientific point

When I initially was in the tube & through to the lasers examining the earth, mud & plant samples...
Lasers here are directed at samples floating in air! Now as i said this involves..

Anti Gravity &
Directed Red lasers ( presumably unknown forms of scanning )
Possibly heat dissipated matter; AKA the gas examination we use today with a mass spectrometer!

Now I have frequented hospitals before & do occasionally visit a kid with leukaemia & other illnesses...

In actual fact I can perform several miracles ...

The miracle of desperate thought & observation
The miracle of caring
The miracle of positive thinking; Staff need hope & energy
The miracle of group thinking!

& Finally all the prayer worship & magical gift stuff that HP, God, Odin Father, Loki, Thor & Christ & myself are proud of!

But practicality! Right Because I was not born a faith healer, I was born a cynical scientist student...

However God saw to me being an avid believer; Saving me from drowning under 3m of water when I couldn't swim & nobody was there to save me but him.

But you know from the heart that you may have the same cynicism as an atheist & know that hurts because Gods don't help a selfish C****

Directed radiation, XRays & radio require aiming specifically directed intense radiation..

Directly at large clusters of CELLS (Cancers)

Direct radio does a lot of damage!

However Cancer has one big weakness & that is Radio does a lot more damage to cancer cells generally than normal cells!

Reasons include:

Water content
Constant cellular division
less firm cell walls
The lack of genetic correction
Error multiplication
Energy demand, AKA cancer cells are energy greedy!
Nutrition demands (cell replication, resource burning, Lack of vein presence in dense clusters, Salt & iodin)

Directed pulse XRay & Radio & even needle injected alpha beta decay...

Directed amplification Laser Array

Damage is our hope!