Thursday, August 2, 2012

Poseidon's offering

her dress flicked in the wind
as she entered the waters
her hair lashing in the winds
her fingers trailing in the water

Caressing like she would a lover's chest.

poseidons waves caressed her legs
flicking warmly

She waded farther into the waves..

his caresses like schools of fish intimatly entwined with her

She wasn't afraid but her body trembled.

her every pore rapped in salty warmth as of a mans fresh salty sweat
as if she caressed every part of him

He waited patiently for her, his body tightening with her every step.

the flailing essence of the god caressed her every being
gently the ocean swelled in her being

The water rose higher and higher still. Her nipples and curves he clearly saw despite her dress.

eyes as wirling waters moved as he was clearly moved
his lips trembled with a godly passion
and his hands as nut shells and pettles of the ocean bottom moved to caress her

Soon she has no choice but to swim. She wets her hair and it trails behind her like graceful tentacles.

his hands wrap her in a kiss
air forms a buble over her face ; frest sea air
her lip quivers to a salty finger

She looks up at her God. Shivering in his arms at last.

by his presence she felt the power of the universe call her
in her mind she felt at one with the land she came from and through it could feel the sea wed it

He kissed her there as the feeling of union felt complete.

she became as the land
realising she represented not just herself but the higher force of gia

She kissed him tentatively. Like the air upon the sea.

her spirit melded with the land ; his kisses brinning light berries to her lips...
her toung litraly dripped honey into his devine lips
all the bounty of the sea of this he tasted to her

She ran her hands over him. Feeling herself growing roots. Immovable.

and yet she swam in the ocean ; his will around her the ebbing of the tides
his kisses lavished on her
every part kissed and cleaned

It was if they purified each other with every sweet caress.

thy grew adoring the feelings of swelling parts
plush lips
willing pussy
hardening members
an intence oneness

She broke the kiss and looked up into his timeless eyes as their bodies become one.

seas became lakes ; deserts oasises
hands held a tide of such strength as the two locked hands
hips joined hip as intence as a thousand orgasms
and yet it was not the finish

Their bodies roll in the waves. Back and forth.

the cummings of oceans the spices of men the swellings of the dolphin princes
and thier princesses
all was to be found in her berries

A storm from their combined passions gathers overhead.

on the shore the tree's rocked the birds dived the depths for the darting fishes
she rode on a swelling extacy
her hair budding berries as seed
and fruit

I've lost it. some one wispers

to the sound of sea shells and the ocean waves

the earth moves as of the winds and waves
the caresses of the eternal sea fertile and abundant

The love eternal springs forth between them.

the blend of emotions and filling matter as one to the current
of one mind the great the dark and the deep

The sea and the land collide.

and merge soil in sea and wet wet shore
she tickles poesidens chest
and his hips caress hers ; legs entwined

Their bodies tighten and together they reach release. New life is brought forth.

from the flood of seed
a foundation of life and its cares

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