Wednesday, August 29, 2012

thor and the priestess

[]--- T*H*O*R

i step up to you "i am thor" i say  kissing you
i have come to the world looking for a wonder woman like you my priestess

I reach up and caress your face. Mesmerized.  What does my God ask of me?

gently my strong hands caress your belly button my eyes look naughty

my arms are round your waist you can feel youthfull and naked chest skin against your arms

I caress Thor's chest, gently arching into his touch.

my hands are all over your arms ticking you

Laughter spills forth sounding like music in the wind.

my hips touch yours their smoothness the smell of scented oils

The world stands still around us.

the wolfs wisper the dragons croon an enchanting mellody

The melody fills my body, its pure energy running through my veins.

your heart thumps , my hands pressed to your buttox my hips within your reach caressing you to the melody

My voice raises to the tune blending perfectly. My hands and body play against him as a spell is weaved.

the thunderer sings a dark rich song of wind and air of warmth and summer musk..
toe to toe lips to lip

Love and passion swirling through the atmosphere. Each breath as heady as the last.

thor gazes into her magic eyes , seeing the true beauty inside
and kisses her passionatly

She kisses back in abandon.

the back of thors hand caresses your thigh , it lights with white joyfull fire

She cries out with pleasure as the heat finds her center.

thors hands entwine hers their souls forming a bond
a bond of feeling a bond of union starting to form

Eternal bonds.

she lay on the grass folded over him

his hands playing across her back and thighs
his hand spanks her buttox softly

Her hands tangled in his silken hair as she wraps her strong thighs around his.
Her body hums with passion beyond her years. A passion as old as time.

thor moves against her his hands working an ancient physical magic , his lips as liquid fire

Her magic and fire matches only his. They move together as one in perfect harmony.

kisses deep and meaningful :electric

She holds him close as a storm engulfs them. Electricity crackling and thunder booming around them. Their mated hearts beating. She cries out as he takes her to unknown heights.

her body moves against his , he gasps ; grasping her being with divinity and mighty thrusts
her belly dripping sweat

She arches into him with all of her being.  One with him. One with the storm. Her primal cries carry on the wind. Her orgasm long and complete.

their energies merging the sky filling with astrial children
sweat pouring off them filled with flowers

She lays in his arms spent but envigorated.

tickling her softly he reawakens her fire , kindling it softly with his lovers hands
her center glowing with butterfly swarms of orgasm
the second dawn

she gasps and sighs the oils of her seed afire with self expression and burning desire

his seed floods her with life ,
her sweating body alive with a glow like unto the moon
her womb full of humanities self expression

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