Thursday, November 27, 2014

the sweetest of kisses

higher pleasures
make a point in your mind about the inner 3/4 at first make it all dark and then after about 15 seconds start thinking of a pink glow coming from the bottom of your brain... flowing like a flower and getting brighter as it goes from pink glowing white

to a deep ruby red and throbbing gold all over your brain ...
pulsing with light and warmth like a hot bath tub

then in your mind see a snake coming from your lower spine and vagina to your head and it shall glow like sapphires.. running with dark pulsing blues and violet reds and as you come exploding into your brain


i play my fingers ever so softly over you , over your heart and soul..
filled with a joy and love a desire and an admiration.

i place my heart over you my gentle hands on your hips and spoon you gently with a living tongue of glowing white and blonds

i place my lips between your thighs ..
the softest of feathery angel wing caresses - my tongue circles with delicate ease,

my lips part in a sigh as i run my hands deeply over your thighs my lips caressing your clit with a force of intimate ease

lips parted a strait up jiggly dancing for your pleasure across your thighs my tongue dancing with throbbing ease..

your nipples to my chest your tongue between my hips the caress of my warm hard living essence teasing from me all you've got

for i cannot wait - i cannot wait to please you with my heart as well as my hands lips and thighs

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